The Goldfinch Movie Review

“The Goldfinch” is adapted from a popular novel. The visual ideas that are pulled from the pages are not the same as the mental images that a person would get from reading the book. The movie is lush with visual flair and rich with literary and artistic meaning. But the emotional connections that it desperately wants to forge are never made clear. Read more

One Child Nation Movie Review

‘One Child Nation’ is a difficult film to watch but an important one. You have to see this because as a human on this planet, you should be concerned with what an authoritarian government has done and is still willing to do to people. Perhaps one should watch with an eye toward seeing it as a cautionary tale. It is not a yarn; not a fable. Read more

Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles Movie Review

I must admit something to you. I have never seen ‘Fiddler on the Roof.’ I’ve never been interested, nor have I thought it would be very good. I like the influential musicals; the deep and meaningful stories that aren’t just fancy but really touch the heart. This show didn’t seem to fit that mold. Was I wrong!! ‘Fiddler’ is everything I just described and much, much more!
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Aquarela Movie Review

This movie is magnificent. Its essence is beauty and its message, sublime. The subject of this film is stunning in its might but also reminds us that it has an unforgiving disposition when pushed too far. This film shows us every one of those elements and more.

‘Aquarela’ is a must-see and I suggest you see it in the most significant theatre possible.
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