Mary Magdalene (2018) Movie Review

This is an origin story unlike any other. What the filmmaker (award-winning director Garth Davis of ‘Lion’) is attempting to get across to the world, and he does a fair job of making his message clear, is that Mary Magdalene was a good human with substance. He does this especially with the summation at the end of his movie. Mary was a woman with great spiritual convictions who was not a prostitute but someone who followed Jesus, touched people in the name of Jesus and believed, as his apostles did. The title of the film alone may lead you to think that this is just another movie that’ll condemn and denigrate her, like so many before it has done. This feels different. It is different. It’s often said that Mary’s presence in Jesus’ life was that of a temptress. She was vilified as an adulterer to simply blame, as women often were, maybe still are.

However, at the end of ‘Mary Magdalene,’ there’s an epilogue that says Mary was present at the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. That it was a popular misconception to even suggest she was a prostitute. More interestingly, in 2016, she was formally identified by the Vatican as an Apostle. She was their equal and the first messenger of the resurrection.

She was never truly recognized for her role in history. As the only woman amongst all of these men, she was made out to be, basically, a whore… to put it bluntly. ‘Mary Magdalene’ sets out to correct that.

We meet the young woman, played by Rooney Mara, when she’s living and working in a small fishing community. She’s about to be forced to marry someone with whom she doesn’t love, most likely, barely knows. Her father has ordered her to wed and being the sort of freethinking flower-child that she is, she bolts. Well, I got a little ahead of myself.

See, what happened is, she has seen, from afar, this Jesus fella (Joaquin Phoenix), who had gotten a lot of buzz about town. Naturally, she just had to check him out for herself.

Mary instantly likes what she sees. She’s very drawn to his charisma, his energy, and spirit. Who wouldn’t want to be around someone who loves life and spreads messages of goodwill and hope? Doesn’t hurt that he helps baptize people several times a day and therefore probably doesn’t smell of sheep dung constantly. He also promises those who follow him that a kingdom awaits them at the end of their journey. All things considered, many willingly and happily march with him toward Jerusalem, spreading the word of God and love along the way.

She wants in. The last straw for her is when her father insists there’s a demon living inside of her and almost drowns her in an attempt to force the demon out. He chillingly screams at her when she asks that she be allowed to marry on her how timeline. He accuses her of shaming her family. How dare she desire to be her own person, right? She discovers Jesus is leaving town in the morning to move onto the next so, here’s her chance. It’s now or never. She’s told she’ll never be allowed to return. Those terms are acceptable to her. She gets in line with the others, including Peter (Ejiofor) and Judas (Rahim).

Soon, she’s baptized by Jesus in what looks like water as cold as Lake Michigan in October. And now you know why actors are paid the big bucks. I would have been screaming for the green screen on that shot, but that’s me. Anyway, Jesus has asked they all spread his message to the people in his absence. ‘You go here while I get this group here,’ kind of thing. Word of what he’s capable of has gotten out so he’s swamped. Mary takes the job so seriously that she helps those who Peter cast as, ‘Beyond help.’ She comforts them, prays with them, gets them water and soothes them as they slip away into the great beyond. It’s here where Peter sees her true worth… and sees doubt in his own. He thought they were only to baptize those who could follow not waste time on those who couldn’t carry the load! He watches her show true mercy and is humbled by it.

There was something fascinating about what we see next. Jesus being hailed the Messiah. Rome catching word. His mother, the Virgin Mary, making her appearance. These things happen in the third and most intriguing act of the picture. The pacing picks up when we get here and observing Mary and Mary face one another… it seemed surreal. I’m not religious but was seduced by the idea of it. Mary gives Magdalene a bone-chilling warning to prepare herself for the loss. The words haunt her. The story doesn’t get into why Judas was who he was, only glosses over the fact that he sold Jesus out but does touch upon his guilt some in the end.

Except for the pacing and the absolutely gorgeous musical score that overpowered much of the intense dialogue, the movie, genuinely, captivated me. Mara does walk around with a dumbfounded look on her face throughout the flick that never really speaks of her maturity, but she was tender when she needed to be and had a strong presence.

Phoenix was heavy. He looked the part; acted the part. During the crucifixion, he became Jesus. He was so convincing, I’d believe we were watching a long-lost video of the historic event itself. This man who wanted only peace and love was killed for it. Incredible story. Deep film. Outstanding performance by Phoenix. A little bit of a yawner BUT, good for a matinee or cable watch. Curious? I wouldn’t miss it. Lover of music? I wouldn’t miss it. Joaquin Phoenix fan? Don’t even think about missing a chance to see this on the big screen.    

Opening today at the Harkins Shea 14 and the Mary D Fisher Theatre.

The Chaperone Movie Review

Before the film starts a card reads, ‘In 1922 Louise Brooks traveled from Wichita Kansas to New York City with a chaperone. Within a few years, she was to become one of the most famous film stars in the world.’ So, I had to look her up. This film is in fact inspired by a true story. Louise Brooks was a sensation up on the silver screen during the Jazz Age. Her film ‘Pandora’s Box’ was an instant classic.

In this film, Louise (Haley Lu Richardson) is headed toward New York. Her mother’s friend, Norma (McGovern) agrees to be the chaperone that accompanies her. She’s going to attend a dance class at a brilliant school. Being that she has only been in Kansas her entire life, Louise has no idea of the type of dangers that await an unsuspecting, pretty, young lady, especially the type who are spoiled and have something to prove. On the train on the first night, as Norma was sleeping, Louise slipped off and had dinner with a cute young man and his uncle in the dining car.  Louise isn’t pleased with Norma and she explains to Louise that dining alone with men could get her into trouble. It’s all in appearances. She tries to get Louise to understand that word can spread and, ‘Men don’t like candy that’s been unwrapped.’ This makes Louise laugh while Norma grows frustrated, but still, she continues trying to keep the girl straight.

On their first night in NY, Louise wants to go out, but Norma doesn’t allow her to. Dance is in the morning and she refuses to help her miss it. She takes her job seriously. By now, your eyebrow is raised and you’re curious as to what might Norma have missed when she was in her youth?

While Louise is in her dance class, Norma visits the old orphanage where she was first raised. She meets with a nun and asks if she could learn who her birth parents are. The nun tells her that all files are to be kept confidential. Norma may want to know who she is by knowing her parents but knowing she’s a child of God should be adequate enough. She tries several more times, pleading, but the sister will have nothing of it and Norma eventually leaves.

Back at dance class, the lively, independent, free-wheeling, Louise, catches the eyes of the teachers. Having left early, she heads to the soda fountain for a snack. She has caught the eye of a one Floyd (Burnap) from behind the counter, too.

When the film stays on her storyline, it’s cheerful, lighthearted and playful. When we dig into Norma’s life, one we see as less and less joyous or tranquil by the moment, we feel emptiness. The two characters are so undeniably different, it feels as if you’re jumping into two entirely different films when we hop back and forth between the storylines. To be honest, maybe two films would have been good, too. But we do learn some reasons for Norma’s negative, almost jealous attitude toward Louise having so much fun. The façade begins to crumble, and cracks show themselves as she goes back to the orphanage to try once again and retrieve her records. She finds herself engaged in a conversation with someone willing to help. He’s Joseph (GĂŠza RĂśhrig). Too easily, but convenient to move the story along, with his help, she gets what she needs. After, she’s lighter… her shoulders have less baggage. Being that Norma and Joseph are now smitten with one another, we flashback to what’s wrong with Norma. FINALLY! Scenes involving her husband revealed that she has every reason to be sour toward love… and everything that goes with it. I won’t tell you what those are but there’s an incredibly intense scene where Norma confronts her husband with the kind of rage, you’d never expect Elizabeth McGovern to muster. Anger rears its ugly head again when she meets someone from her past, yet she chokes it down, once again burdening her shoulders.

Soon, Louise is going off on her own, but Norma is still there encouraging her through every moment. The future star tells her chaperone something that shocks her to her core but instead of stopping her from advancing and jumping in with what the advice of what she SHOULD do, Norma praises her charge on her strength and attempts to give her more. She’s good at keeping secrets, Norma. She attempts to steer but doesn’t sit in judgment of the direction the youngster is going. It reveals a lot about Norma’s character. She’s a good woman with good intentions. Regrettably, her morals keep her from her own happiness but as the film progresses, she does learn there’s more and when the moment comes, I’m happy to inform you she does seize an opportunity to have it all. It’s an ambitious move, but no one gets in Norma’s way when she wants something.

See ‘Chapparone’ for the characters, the acting, the history and for Blythe Danner who has one small but memorable scene. In Phoenix, see this 
exclusively at Harkins Shea 14.

Little Movie Review

I was absolutely taken with the little dynamo in ‘Little.’ 14-year-old Marsai Martin (Black-ish), who’s also executive producer of the film, blew me away with her performance. The rest of the main cast was memorable with their well-rounded characters as well, but Martin had… ‘it.’ You’d be hard pressed to find someone her age with as much talent in the recent past… maybe ever. She can dance, she can sing, she can act… but she also writes, directs and produces. She pitched the idea for this movie when she was ten. TEN! Asked what she wants when she grows up, she responded, ‘I want to be a legend.’ Well, I’d say you’re well on your way.

In ‘Little,’ Jordan Sanders, played by the delightfully witty Regina Hall (Think Like A Man, Girls Trip), has a difficult time in Jr. High School. So difficult that she vows that when she grows up, she’s never going to be bullied again. Instead, she’ll be the bully. She’ll make sure she’s the boss and always in charge, especially of her feelings. No one will ever get close enough to hurt those feelings again. There’s a lengthy set up that gives you time to see how evil she’s become. No doubt the set up also gives poor Regina some screen time. You’ll be so dazzled by her tiny replacement and the high jinks written for the kid that you won’t miss her.

Jordan walks through her building and everyone runs to avoid being abused by her. One unlucky employee who has no choice but deal with her is April who’s played by actress Issa Rae from ‘The Hate U Give.’ Jordan likes to push her around because she thinks April is weak. She treats her as if she’s a used tissue but hoping to be able to move up in the company, April does her best to please Jordan while at the same time taking the brunt of the maltreatment for her co-workers. She makes sure Jordan gets her coffee at just the right temperature, warns everyone when she’s about to walk through the door so they can hide, and she also stashes the carbs, so Jordan doesn’t see them. These things usually do the trick, but things change when Jordan is given some bad news. She’s told that her biggest client is leaving unless she and her team can come up with a reason for him to stay. They have forty-eight hours. Hearing this, Jordan is particularly cruel and when she runs into a child who’s practicing a magic trick, she takes everything out on the enterprising enchantress.
This is where Regina Hall gets to release a line of dialog that had the audience rolling with laughter. Her Jordan snaps off an order to April to, ‘Get that little chocolate Hogwart out!’ Welp! That’s all it took. The little girl pulls out her wand, waves it and wishes Jordan to become little so that she can be put in her place.

As you would expect, the spell works overnight. Jordan awakens the next morning to discover that her ‘natural teardrop boobs’ are gone. She looks in the mirror and realizes she’s once again that little child who was always laughed at and tormented.

Low on options, because she has no friends, she does the only thing she can think to do. She calls the person who puts up with the most… April. She steps in and helps, of course, but not for free. Knowing the desperate situation her boss is in, she demands to be made ‘Creative Executive’ at the firm. This shows she has a spine and Jordan steps back, sneers and says something you wouldn’t expect to hear from such an adorable face. Mockingly, Jordan acknowledges the blackmail and suggests to April that her ‘balls have dropped.’ Part of why Jordan is in such dire straits is because Child Protective Services has gotten wind of the fact that she’s an unaccompanied minor running about. She must get enrolled in school; her old school, in fact. She gets just what the young magician had wished upon her when she ends up back in her own personal hell. Meanwhile, April has to run the office and get people to come up with ideas for their dissatisfied client.

Almost every scene has young Marsai Martin handling its demands with ease. She uses her eyes, facial expressions, her voice inflections and her body in ways that work to enhance the comedy in this film. After the madness, it comes to a smooth, natural and foreseeable conclusion but doesn’t feel too contrived or cheesy. Most reason is that Martin was that damn good. In the end, Jordan learns her lesson and when this happens, Martin turns down the comedic side she finds in herself to play Jordan and turns on the compassion switch. Everything about her completely changes.

I’m happy I saw this movie. Sure, the idea that this filthy rich woman’s entire, embarrassingly successful company’s future hangs in the balance because of one spoiled Gen-Xer is extremely weak BUT I ask you to overlook it and just enjoy the message, the comedy, and the bright new star and you won’t even notice the trivial things. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see it because I thought ‘Little’ was going to be ‘Big.’ Interestingly enough, it was BIG, but nothing like it. And that’s a good thing.

Hellboy Movie Review

“Hellboy” is another reckless reboot that nobody had asked for and was not handled with much care.  Based the dark comics “Hellboy”, this ground has been previously trod by director Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman (as Hellboy). With del Toro’s flair for visual style and Perlman’s knack for tough guys with a heart of gold, it did not seem that there would be any more areas for growth.

But of course, that never did stop Hollywood from cranking up the old Reboot Machine to start the whole mess over again. Because you can’t go wrong with a movie that includes a Demon child, an undead sorceress, fairies, giants, King Arthur, Merlin, Excalibur, Nazis, Rasputin, giant human-warthog hybrids, Mexican Lucha libre, seers, secret societies, Alice in Wonderland, a man who can turn into a jaguar, Baba Yaga and Lobster Johnson. You can’t go wrong with all that, right? Well, maybe so…

Hellboy (David Harbour) is a spawn of the devil and was brought to Earth years ago. He was raised by Professor Bruttenholm (Ian McShane) who now leads a group called the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.). This group hunts down odd creatures who invade the Earth from time to time. Hellboy is sent down to Mexico to find an agent who has gone missing. He finds the agent who is now working as a Lucha libre wrestler. There is darkness coming, and the end – says the agent in his last dying words.

Hellboy is next sent by Bruttenholm to England, to help a secret society take out a band of Giants. They explain that an ancient undead sorceress named Nimue the Blood Queen (Milla Jovovich) is sending her minions out to resurrect her. The members of the secret society want to ambush Hellboy. The Giants beat them to the punch, and all of them are dead – except for Hellboy. He finds himself saved by Alice Monaghan (Sasha Lane) who knew him from way back. He saved her from being kidnapped by fairies at a young age.

Hellboy is joined by Alice and a special British M-11 agent named Major Ben Daimio (Daniel Dae Kim). They need to locate Nimue before she can bring about the end of the world. Alice has special psychic abilities, and Daimio can turn into a were-jaguar. So, they have a great team going. Nimue is using human-warthog to do her bidding and she is gaining strength. She will be able to take over the world, and she wants a huge Demon spawn to be her king. Are you interested, Hellboy? Once that Hellboy learns of his heritage going back to King Arthur, he is offered the Sword Excalibur. But if he takes it, he will be the one to bring ruin to the world.

But will Hellboy give in to the wishes of the Nimue the Blood Queen? Will Professor Bruttenholm, Alice and Major Daimio survive the onslaught of the newly freed minions of Nimue? Will you be able to handle the curse words and the buckets of digital blood sprayed over the screen? Will the number of red herrings and loose ends drive you crazy? Will the clunky dialog land easy on your ears, or be a bombastic buzzsaw of clichĂŠs? Will the movie make any sense at all, or will it be overwhelmed by the superior versions that have come before? You can decide…

This movie is attempting to make a new version of Hellboy, one that is darker and more bloody and vicious. Yet the story does not hold together very well, and the dialogue might be cursed in the same way as the evil monsters. It is bad, but not ‘so Bad it is Good’. Ever since Deadpool showed that is was possible to have an R-rated comic book anti-hero that rocks the box office, Hellboy thinks it can follow the same path.

David Harbour does an adequate job as Hellboy, but he is just too nice to be so nasty. Ian McShane is terrific as the Professor, and he kills it. Thomas Haden Church has mostly a cameo role in this movie, and he might have been a superior Hellboy – if he had the role. The direction is good in the action and fight sequences, but elsewhere is tends to drag. Most of that is due to the off-kilter writing and the extended story lines, because there are multiple ones.

“Hellboy” needed a reboot the same way that an electric car needs an oil change. But with an oil change, you don’t get all the violence and bloodshed. Unless you have a very unusual mechanic…


I went in to ‘Pet Sematary’ thinking, ‘Why?’ Why does Hollywood insist on the remakes? I enjoyed the original film. Can’t we just leave it alone? I went into the new movie thinking this couldn’t touch it, let alone top it. It was as simple as that. I even defiantly crossed my arms. However, after such feelings of reluctance and misgivings, I’m happy to report that I was fairly impressed. I’m embarrassed about my skepticism. The film’s new directing team of Kevin KĂślsch, Dennis Widmyer did a remarkable job of creating for their audience a sense of tension and unease which has everyone immediately on edge. You are not sitting back to relax until it’s time to stand up and leave the theatre. What the filmmakers do here is grant you access into the lives of Louis (Clarke) and his family, knowing full well you’ll get to know them, care for them and fall for them… especially their adorable children. You’ll fear for what they’re about to go through. This is used marvelously. If you’re as reluctant as I was, another reason to drop your concerns over ‘Pet Sematary’ is that the script doesn’t exactly follow the original writing or the first film. The application of a few new angles improves it in ways that are tangible.

When the film starts, we see the family car covered with bloody handprints. A sort of whiff of what’s to come for this sweet, unsuspecting family as they settle into their new home after moving from Boston to Maine is in the air. The implication of that handprint is significant in setting up for you that someone is in serious trouble. In all seriousness, this gets spooky! There are plenty of ‘jump scares’ so hide your eyes! Be prepared. 

What I also relished in was the comical manner with which they told their narrative, how they made this family more approachable and relatable, especially facing the most hair-raising moments is delicious. You can tell that KĂślsch and Widmyer had a lot of fun with making this.

The family cat, Church, gets hit by a car and dies. With the help of their friendly neighbor Jud (Lithgow), Louis is able to resurrect the cat for his beloved daughter Ellie, played expertly by the young JetĂŠ Laurence, who Jud has also grown very fond of. Where they bury the loveable kitty is on the other side of the pet sematary, so spelled because it’s where children in the area bury their pets when they pass on. Jud knows from experience why they shouldn’t be doing this but has confidence this time that it’ll work out fine. Best laid plans and all. By this time, Louis and his wife, Rachel (Seimetz) have started having distressing visions but they increase after this and the film intensifies.

The cinematography gloriously sets the tone that keeps you engaged, and I can’t say enough about the inventive editing. If you didn’t see the original, you won’t miss a big change in the plot which was an essential twist for the directors to make this their own. As you get more familiar with the family, there’s also a storyline involving Rachel’s sister. This is excellent because this is where the movie begins to address death. It’s dealt with harmoniously, even though Louis and Rachel differ on life after death. Where all of this leads is horrific and unsettling… terrifying. If you’re a fan of horror, this was respectably creepy and spine-chilling. If you’re a fan of Stephen King, you won’t be disappointed.




The Public Movie Review

The public deals with several incredibly weighty subjects. Mental illness, homelessness, lack of homeless shelters, the closing of libraries and the disconnect between public officials and the public. Regrettably, its delivery of these messages feels artificial, often strained. Writer/director Emilio Estevez (The Breakfast Club, Young Guns), who I expected to and was hoping would have a home run with this film, seems as unsure of himself behind the camera as he does in front of the camera. What he wants to say is necessary to hear and acknowledge and it’s important for us to consider but the script often feels stiff and farfetched as if it were Estevez himself who was legitimately concerned about how it would be perceived.

Stuart Goodson (Estevez) manages a branch of the Public Library in Cincinnati. He loves his job, loves the people who meander in the doors and loves books. Books are distinct and something tangible. When he needed something real, they helped him get sober. He tends to them the best he can when they’re defaced, which lately, are damaged with symbols of hate.

At the beginning of the narrative, we meet some of the homeless who like to come in not just to read, but to have somewhere to go, to feel a sense of community and to stay warm. As the shelters fill, they’re faced with fewer choices of where to stay in extreme weather. Estevez knows it’s important to show the library patrons in the best light possible, so we’re shown how kind-hearted and amusing they are, even mocking the situation in which they find themselves. After meeting the pompous public officials who want to oust them from their temporary home for the night, Christian Slater and Alec Baldwin, you’re on the side of Goodson’s customers even more.

On this particular day, nightfall hits and the homeless decide they’re not leaving. Some are veterans and feel the city owes them a place to sleep for the night. As people did on Wall Street, they choose to ‘Occupy’ the library. Under pressure from a pending lawsuit as it is, Goodson does his best to get them to leave, but the seventy or so people who simply want a roof over their heads and some heat for the night, aren’t going anywhere. When the story makes it to the city’s politicians and then to the news, the story gets blown up and suddenly… it’s a hostage situation?? As wannabe mayor Josh Davis (Slater) pushes the plot that Goodson is the bad guy, the very plot of the movie becomes somewhat ludicrous, to say the least.

After an hour into this two-hour movie, you’re not so much concerned for Goodson, even though Estevez is pushing you to, as you are the overall subject of the piece. The discord within the storyline of the homeless taking over a public library to stay warm is lost in filling our heads with humdrum backstories and the set-up for a trite love story that doesn’t fit. Don’t even get me started with how the homeless is characterized in this fictional account of who they are. We’re supposed to see them as the trampled and crushed… but why do they have to be depicted as psychotic, as well? That’s where this powerful theme is lost. Estevez wants to show you that humans can do better. Perhaps he should have led with that himself. 

*Check local listing for a theatre near you where you can view this film.

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Diane Movie Review

Veteran actress of such remarkable films as, ‘The Big Chill,’ and ‘Being John Malkovich,’ Mary Kay Place, plays the principle role of, Diane, a woman fighting off her demons before it’s too late, in this hyper-focused study of regret.

‘Diane’ is the sad tale of an older woman in a small Massachusetts town who’s trying everything in her power to make up for the person she was in the past. She spent most of her life, casting away those who loved her for own selfish needs and is now trying desperately to please them… if they let her and if they’ll agree to her terms. She now feels the pain of losing people she once thought disposable as those around her disappear by choice or because they’ve been snatched by the cold, hard grip of death. She is doing everything she can to make up for her mistakes but not everyone is open to her desire for absolution and not everyone forgets.

She commits a lot of her free time performing charitable work such as feeding the homeless at the shelter and offering help whenever and wherever it’s needed. She spends a considerable amount of her time visiting her cousin, Donna (O’Connell), who’s in the hospital. She has cervical cancer and, feeling guilty for having wronged her when they were young women, Diane gives her most of her a lot of attention. However, the person Diane wants to help even more is the one most impervious to her overtures of altruism and goodwill. Her son, Brian, chillingly played Jake Lacy (Miss Sloane, How to Be Single). Brian is a drug attic who gets rather nasty with his mother constantly inserting herself into his life. As you watch this relationship unfold, you realize it’s Diane who has always needed help, never received any and needs some now more than ever. She showers him with the attention she always craved yet spoiled what they could have had when she ran off with Donna’s boyfriend, leaving young Brian behind.   

Produced by Martin Scorsese, written and directed by film critic and documentarian, Kent Jones (this is his first narrative feature film) ‘Diane’ was a shoo-in and ended up being a darling at the Tribeca Film Festival last year, where it won several awards. The film is a fascinating character study but not one to watch if you feel you are or are possibly on the verge of, depression. Jones purposely misleads with a timeline that’s all over the place, giving you the feeling of frustration and confusion on purpose. As those closest to her pass away, she reaches out to Brian more but then you see the real Diane on display. She draws a line in the sand when he and his new wife try to shove religion down her throat. Seems everyone has their limits. She feigns that all is well but losing him to religion is a war she knows she can’t win. Is it too late to win him back?

*In the Phoenix area, see this at Harkins Shea 14

Shazam! Movie Review

“Shazam!” is a magical treat from the DC Comics Universe, because it takes a totally different approach to this version of a Superhero. It goes back to echo the 1988 film “Big”. Take a young kid about fifteen years old, and transform him, but not into Tom Hanks as an adult. Instead this movie will infuse him with Superhero posers that come from Ancient Gods and Warriors. Turn him into the “Champion of Eternity” – with all these powers: the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, powers from Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. Hey, doesn’t that spell out “SHAZAM”?

An orphan in Philadelphia named Billy Batson (Asher Angel) gets into trouble with the police, again. His last chance is with a foster family who has a few other kids in their home. Billy meets his foster-brother Freddy Freeman (Jack Dylan Grazer) who has crutches and gets bullied at school. Billy defends his friend and needs to flee from the bully’s rage. Escaping onto a subway car, it turns into a magical entrance to a Hall of Champions. There is an ancient Wizard named Shazam (Djimon Hounsou). He is the last of the Champions. He had tried to find a human with a pure heart in the past, but he failed to find the right one. Billy is the best one to take control, only thing he needs to do is say the word.

Billy says the magic word, and the Ancient Wizard is gone. Billy has now become the (much older) superpowered one named Shazam (Zachary Levi). He can use the name to transform back and forth into the Billy (the Kid), or back into the Eternal Champion – Shazam. All in all, a pretty good day! Shazam makes it back and convinces Freddy that the massively super-powered person named Shazam is really still Billy on the inside. Freddy is well-versed in all Super-powers, since he reads all the DC Comics. Billy needs to become Shazam when there are people he can save, so they can both make a little money on the side.

However, there is another person in the city who was once tested by the Ancient Wizard. Years ago, Thaddeus Sivana (Mark Strong) was taken but he proved himself unworthy of the honor to Eternal Champion. Sivana finds a way back to the Wizard and steals an energy ball power by the Seven Deadly Sins. He takes the ball to become a Super-powered villain. Now, Sivana finds that the Wizard has given his powers away to a young boy. He sets out to find young Billy Batson, so he can be destroyed. Perhaps along with his new foster family. Silvia has many of the same type of powers that Shazam possesses, but he will use them for evil and for destruction.

So far, the DC Universe films have been awfully sketchy in the past years. However, they had started getting back on the right track with “Wonder Woman”. They followed that up with the very popular “Aquaman”. And now, they reach for an out-of-left-field wonder by bringing us “Shazam!”. The fun and entertainment level is maxed out with this movie. It is funny and clever and it gets the tone just right. Credit a good story and script and a Director who brings out the sheer joy of being a Superhero to the screen. Plus the casting choices are also Super. Zachary Levi and Jack Dylan Grazer really stand out, and Mark Strong and Asher Angel do a superb job. 

You can let the DC Extended Universe people know that movies like “Shazam!” are better than many of the other bleak and joyless movies that have come before. Vote with your pocketbook and see a great Superhero movie. Let the DCEU know with your support of “Shazam!”. Just Say The Word.

The Best of Enemies Movie Review

“The Best of Enemies” tells a true tale of the troubled tension in the recent South. Back in 1971 in Durham, N.C – the only way to mix Black and White was to lay down a linoleum checkerboard floor. But even after the Civil Rights laws had been passed, some Southern good-old-boys still kept with the white-hooded ways. The Ku Klux Klan was still strong in Durham. There was some movement for Black folk’s equality. But in the South, there was more pain than gain. Schools were still separate, yet not equal – not even close. Klan members and local politicians had each others backs, and that left the Black population in dire straights.

Ann Atwater (Taraji P. Henson) is a local Black organizer and activist. She gets up in peoples way, and she will not let up until she has won. She is polite most of the time, but do not cross her, or get in her way. She has absolutely no time for someone who is a local leader in the KKK.  C. P. Ellis (Sam Rockwell) is such a man, a true Southern down-home poor-boy who loves being a part of the KKK. He wants the unity and purpose that the Klan gives to him, even if it means working hard to make ends meet. His wife (Anne Heche) supports Ellis, but she knows that in the nation things are changing. Atwater is a big part of that change.

When there is a fire at the ‘colored-only’ school, there is a crisis point in the town. Where will the children be sent to school? The mood in the town will not allow for a mixed race attendance. But then it goes to court, and judge comes up with a unique idea. He gets a guy from out-of-town to stage a ‘charrette’. This is a very structured legal way to getting local citizens to create a board and conduct meetings, and the end result will be voted up or down – and if passed, that will be the new normal. Bill Riddick (Babou Ceesay) has done this type of thing before, but never with a racially charged concept like school integration.

Ann Atwater is a natural choice to participate. C. P. Ellis hears about it, but at first he wants no part. But he gets friendly advice from the Durham Mayor (Bruce McGill) and a couple of council members. They want Ellis to make sure that the final vote goes the ‘right’ way. Ellis gets more advise from fellow Klan member Floyd (Wes Bentley) – get in there and keep and eye on things. Once the session begin, Ellis and Atwater find that they might have some more things in common than they first had realized.

The people of Durham are not ready to massive change, but they might be open to some adjustments here and there. Also, when a judge orders that the results of this ‘charrette’ must be followed, they all hope it will go all right. There is major destruction in the old school, and the Black youngsters only want a decent place to study and learn. Perhaps the White students that the school will also be able to learn, and this time it will be something outside of what is in a book. On the night of the final vote, there is a lot of worry and anxiety. There have been a few KKK members that strong-armed a couple of White people on the voting panel. They had better vote the ‘right’ way, or else something bad will happen. After all C. P. Ellis is there to make sure it all ends just right…

“The Best of Enemies” follows in line with a recent spate of very fine movies made about true events regarding racial inequality. “Green Book” and “BlacKKKlansman” and “Hidden Figures” are some other examples. This movie also has a fantastically talented cast. Sam Rockwell and Taraji P. Henson do a nicely nuanced portrayal of each historical real-life figure. The story does give the short-end to many of the Black people in the cast, with almost no back story or depth to those characters. Some of the White characters get slightly better treatment (more development), but not by much.

The whole idea of the ‘charrette’ is a unique way of proceeding with a touchy situation. But the biggest downfall is that it is difficult to turn into a compelling story-line. It is basically a bunch of people who go to a bunch of meetings to hash things out. That is the only trouble with this movie – the parts in the middle where it tends to drag along. Putting two great actors into the middle of a overly-long story cannot make it move any faster.

But there is a real true purpose to enjoy this movie – it makes you believe that people can reach inside themselves and find new ideas and better ways to deal with life.

Storm Boy Movie Review

“Storm Boy” is a new movie based on a 1963 book concerning a boy growing up in a wild section of Western Australia. There was a prior movie also created, so this is a reboot of that prior version. It is a coming-of-age story of a young boy who helps raise some orphaned pelicans back in the 1950’s.  The shots of the ocean and the beach and the surrounding wildlife make up a large part of the allure of this movie. Also, the boy meets and befriends an older aboriginal native who is wise in the ways of nature and in the ways of the human heart. The story line moves from the present time back to flashbacks in the 50’s, where the majority of the plot unfolds.

In present day Adelaide (Australia), there is an older man named Michael Kingley (Geoffrey Rush) who is there to vote on a business deal. The deal is for his son (Erik Thomson), who has taken over Michael’s business now that he is retired. But the local folks do not what this deal to go thru, including Michaels’ grand-daughter Maddy (Morgana Davies). The sale of land to a mining company would ruin the land, they all say. The vote gets delayed, and Michael begins to tell Maddy of his childhood – which was near Coorong National Park. That is a home to a large pelican nesting ground.

The young Michael (Finn Little) lived a simple life with his fisherman father, called ‘Hideaway’ Tom (Jai Courtney). They lived in a small shack on the beach, across from the nature preserve. Tow would take his small boat to off shore a ways to fish. He would sell his fish in the ‘big’ city of Adelaide, and he would very often need to extend his credit with the local stores. But they all knew that Tom was good man, even if he did keep to himself. Tom was just not same after his wife and young daughter were killed in a freak auto accident

Michael meets an aboriginal man named Fingerbone Bill (Trevor Jamieson). Bill is very wise in the ways of the land and the ocean and the storms. When Bill meets Michael, a pelican has just been shot by hunters. That means a storm will be coming soon. And it does come, to drench the beach and the town. After that, Bill called Michael “Storm Boy”.  The pelican mother that died left three orphan chicks, and Michael tries to raise all three of them. He calls them Mr Proud, Mr Ponder and Mr Percival. These little hatchlings grow until they eat most of the fish that Tom can bring home. So, when they are all grown up – they need to go.

Except that Mr Percival comes back, and he wants the easy life – not to fish for his own food. But there is a day when Tom is out on his little boat in a storm, and he becomes stranded. Michael and Fingerbone Bill find a way to get Mr Percival to fly out to Bill and drop a fishing line. The other end is connected to a stronger rope. Bill pulls the rope to himself, and then Michael and Bill haul him back onto land. The pelican has saved the day! Michael becomes a local hero, and Mr Percival is well known.

Michael grows up to build a huge empire, and now his son controls it. Michael and two of his old friends have enough control over the vote to postpone getting the deal put through. So the mining company will have to wait to tear up the land, or look elsewhere. But there is not much else to say about the plot, and the actual purpose is still unclear. Except that the photography and the visual vistas of the Western Australia are amazing to see. Even at a basic level, this movie is wonderful ad campaign for the tourist bureau in the Land Down-Under.

All the actors do a very reasonable job with the roles they have been given. The story is slow and there is not much in the way of plot movement. Young Michael never has a true antagonist – a person or thing that is against his. At times you think it could be the local hunters. Then you think is might be his father is against him. Then it almost turns into a movie where Nature is against him. But none of these actually follow through with being driving force for Michael.




