The Chaperone Movie Review

Before the film starts a card reads, ‘In 1922 Louise Brooks traveled from Wichita Kansas to New York City with a chaperone. Within a few years, she was to become one of the most famous film stars in the world.’ So, I had to look her up. This film is in fact inspired by a true story. Louise Brooks was a sensation up on the silver screen during the Jazz Age. Her film ‘Pandora’s Box’ was an instant classic.

In this film, Louise (Haley Lu Richardson) is headed toward New York. Her mother’s friend, Norma (McGovern) agrees to be the chaperone that accompanies her. She’s going to attend a dance class at a brilliant school. Being that she has only been in Kansas her entire life, Louise has no idea of the type of dangers that await an unsuspecting, pretty, young lady, especially the type who are spoiled and have something to prove. On the train on the first night, as Norma was sleeping, Louise slipped off and had dinner with a cute young man and his uncle in the dining car.  Louise isn’t pleased with Norma and she explains to Louise that dining alone with men could get her into trouble. It’s all in appearances. She tries to get Louise to understand that word can spread and, ‘Men don’t like candy that’s been unwrapped.’ This makes Louise laugh while Norma grows frustrated, but still, she continues trying to keep the girl straight.

On their first night in NY, Louise wants to go out, but Norma doesn’t allow her to. Dance is in the morning and she refuses to help her miss it. She takes her job seriously. By now, your eyebrow is raised and you’re curious as to what might Norma have missed when she was in her youth?

While Louise is in her dance class, Norma visits the old orphanage where she was first raised. She meets with a nun and asks if she could learn who her birth parents are. The nun tells her that all files are to be kept confidential. Norma may want to know who she is by knowing her parents but knowing she’s a child of God should be adequate enough. She tries several more times, pleading, but the sister will have nothing of it and Norma eventually leaves.

Back at dance class, the lively, independent, free-wheeling, Louise, catches the eyes of the teachers. Having left early, she heads to the soda fountain for a snack. She has caught the eye of a one Floyd (Burnap) from behind the counter, too.

When the film stays on her storyline, it’s cheerful, lighthearted and playful. When we dig into Norma’s life, one we see as less and less joyous or tranquil by the moment, we feel emptiness. The two characters are so undeniably different, it feels as if you’re jumping into two entirely different films when we hop back and forth between the storylines. To be honest, maybe two films would have been good, too. But we do learn some reasons for Norma’s negative, almost jealous attitude toward Louise having so much fun. The façade begins to crumble, and cracks show themselves as she goes back to the orphanage to try once again and retrieve her records. She finds herself engaged in a conversation with someone willing to help. He’s Joseph (GĂ©za Röhrig). Too easily, but convenient to move the story along, with his help, she gets what she needs. After, she’s lighter
 her shoulders have less baggage. Being that Norma and Joseph are now smitten with one another, we flashback to what’s wrong with Norma. FINALLY! Scenes involving her husband revealed that she has every reason to be sour toward love… and everything that goes with it. I won’t tell you what those are but there’s an incredibly intense scene where Norma confronts her husband with the kind of rage, you’d never expect Elizabeth McGovern to muster. Anger rears its ugly head again when she meets someone from her past, yet she chokes it down, once again burdening her shoulders.

Soon, Louise is going off on her own, but Norma is still there encouraging her through every moment. The future star tells her chaperone something that shocks her to her core but instead of stopping her from advancing and jumping in with what the advice of what she SHOULD do, Norma praises her charge on her strength and attempts to give her more. She’s good at keeping secrets, Norma. She attempts to steer but doesn’t sit in judgment of the direction the youngster is going. It reveals a lot about Norma’s character. She’s a good woman with good intentions. Regrettably, her morals keep her from her own happiness but as the film progresses, she does learn there’s more and when the moment comes, I’m happy to inform you she does seize an opportunity to have it all. It’s an ambitious move, but no one gets in Norma’s way when she wants something.

See ‘Chapparone’ for the characters, the acting, the history and for Blythe Danner who has one small but memorable scene. In Phoenix, see this 
exclusively at Harkins Shea 14.

The Public Movie Review

The public deals with several incredibly weighty subjects. Mental illness, homelessness, lack of homeless shelters, the closing of libraries and the disconnect between public officials and the public. Regrettably, its delivery of these messages feels artificial, often strained. Writer/director Emilio Estevez (The Breakfast Club, Young Guns), who I expected to and was hoping would have a home run with this film, seems as unsure of himself behind the camera as he does in front of the camera. What he wants to say is necessary to hear and acknowledge and it’s important for us to consider but the script often feels stiff and farfetched as if it were Estevez himself who was legitimately concerned about how it would be perceived.

Stuart Goodson (Estevez) manages a branch of the Public Library in Cincinnati. He loves his job, loves the people who meander in the doors and loves books. Books are distinct and something tangible. When he needed something real, they helped him get sober. He tends to them the best he can when they’re defaced, which lately, are damaged with symbols of hate.

At the beginning of the narrative, we meet some of the homeless who like to come in not just to read, but to have somewhere to go, to feel a sense of community and to stay warm. As the shelters fill, they’re faced with fewer choices of where to stay in extreme weather. Estevez knows it’s important to show the library patrons in the best light possible, so we’re shown how kind-hearted and amusing they are, even mocking the situation in which they find themselves. After meeting the pompous public officials who want to oust them from their temporary home for the night, Christian Slater and Alec Baldwin, you’re on the side of Goodson’s customers even more.

On this particular day, nightfall hits and the homeless decide they’re not leaving. Some are veterans and feel the city owes them a place to sleep for the night. As people did on Wall Street, they choose to ‘Occupy’ the library. Under pressure from a pending lawsuit as it is, Goodson does his best to get them to leave, but the seventy or so people who simply want a roof over their heads and some heat for the night, aren’t going anywhere. When the story makes it to the city’s politicians and then to the news, the story gets blown up and suddenly
 it’s a hostage situation?? As wannabe mayor Josh Davis (Slater) pushes the plot that Goodson is the bad guy, the very plot of the movie becomes somewhat ludicrous, to say the least.

After an hour into this two-hour movie, you’re not so much concerned for Goodson, even though Estevez is pushing you to, as you are the overall subject of the piece. The discord within the storyline of the homeless taking over a public library to stay warm is lost in filling our heads with humdrum backstories and the set-up for a trite love story that doesn’t fit. Don’t even get me started with how the homeless is characterized in this fictional account of who they are. We’re supposed to see them as the trampled and crushed
 but why do they have to be depicted as psychotic, as well? That’s where this powerful theme is lost. Estevez wants to show you that humans can do better. Perhaps he should have led with that himself. 

*Check local listing for a theatre near you where you can view this film.

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Diane Movie Review

Veteran actress of such remarkable films as, ‘The Big Chill,’ and ‘Being John Malkovich,’ Mary Kay Place, plays the principle role of, Diane, a woman fighting off her demons before it’s too late, in this hyper-focused study of regret.

‘Diane’ is the sad tale of an older woman in a small Massachusetts town who’s trying everything in her power to make up for the person she was in the past. She spent most of her life, casting away those who loved her for own selfish needs and is now trying desperately to please them
 if they let her and if they’ll agree to her terms. She now feels the pain of losing people she once thought disposable as those around her disappear by choice or because they’ve been snatched by the cold, hard grip of death. She is doing everything she can to make up for her mistakes but not everyone is open to her desire for absolution and not everyone forgets.

She commits a lot of her free time performing charitable work such as feeding the homeless at the shelter and offering help whenever and wherever it’s needed. She spends a considerable amount of her time visiting her cousin, Donna (O’Connell), who’s in the hospital. She has cervical cancer and, feeling guilty for having wronged her when they were young women, Diane gives her most of her a lot of attention. However, the person Diane wants to help even more is the one most impervious to her overtures of altruism and goodwill. Her son, Brian, chillingly played Jake Lacy (Miss Sloane, How to Be Single). Brian is a drug attic who gets rather nasty with his mother constantly inserting herself into his life. As you watch this relationship unfold, you realize it’s Diane who has always needed help, never received any and needs some now more than ever. She showers him with the attention she always craved yet spoiled what they could have had when she ran off with Donna’s boyfriend, leaving young Brian behind.   

Produced by Martin Scorsese, written and directed by film critic and documentarian, Kent Jones (this is his first narrative feature film) ‘Diane’ was a shoo-in and ended up being a darling at the Tribeca Film Festival last year, where it won several awards. The film is a fascinating character study but not one to watch if you feel you are or are possibly on the verge of, depression. Jones purposely misleads with a timeline that’s all over the place, giving you the feeling of frustration and confusion on purpose. As those closest to her pass away, she reaches out to Brian more but then you see the real Diane on display. She draws a line in the sand when he and his new wife try to shove religion down her throat. Seems everyone has their limits. She feigns that all is well but losing him to religion is a war she knows she can’t win. Is it too late to win him back?

*In the Phoenix area, see this at Harkins Shea 14

Storm Boy Movie Review

“Storm Boy” is a new movie based on a 1963 book concerning a boy growing up in a wild section of Western Australia. There was a prior movie also created, so this is a reboot of that prior version. It is a coming-of-age story of a young boy who helps raise some orphaned pelicans back in the 1950’s.  The shots of the ocean and the beach and the surrounding wildlife make up a large part of the allure of this movie. Also, the boy meets and befriends an older aboriginal native who is wise in the ways of nature and in the ways of the human heart. The story line moves from the present time back to flashbacks in the 50’s, where the majority of the plot unfolds.

In present day Adelaide (Australia), there is an older man named Michael Kingley (Geoffrey Rush) who is there to vote on a business deal. The deal is for his son (Erik Thomson), who has taken over Michael’s business now that he is retired. But the local folks do not what this deal to go thru, including Michaels’ grand-daughter Maddy (Morgana Davies). The sale of land to a mining company would ruin the land, they all say. The vote gets delayed, and Michael begins to tell Maddy of his childhood – which was near Coorong National Park. That is a home to a large pelican nesting ground.

The young Michael (Finn Little) lived a simple life with his fisherman father, called ‘Hideaway’ Tom (Jai Courtney). They lived in a small shack on the beach, across from the nature preserve. Tow would take his small boat to off shore a ways to fish. He would sell his fish in the ‘big’ city of Adelaide, and he would very often need to extend his credit with the local stores. But they all knew that Tom was good man, even if he did keep to himself. Tom was just not same after his wife and young daughter were killed in a freak auto accident

Michael meets an aboriginal man named Fingerbone Bill (Trevor Jamieson). Bill is very wise in the ways of the land and the ocean and the storms. When Bill meets Michael, a pelican has just been shot by hunters. That means a storm will be coming soon. And it does come, to drench the beach and the town. After that, Bill called Michael “Storm Boy”.  The pelican mother that died left three orphan chicks, and Michael tries to raise all three of them. He calls them Mr Proud, Mr Ponder and Mr Percival. These little hatchlings grow until they eat most of the fish that Tom can bring home. So, when they are all grown up – they need to go.

Except that Mr Percival comes back, and he wants the easy life – not to fish for his own food. But there is a day when Tom is out on his little boat in a storm, and he becomes stranded. Michael and Fingerbone Bill find a way to get Mr Percival to fly out to Bill and drop a fishing line. The other end is connected to a stronger rope. Bill pulls the rope to himself, and then Michael and Bill haul him back onto land. The pelican has saved the day! Michael becomes a local hero, and Mr Percival is well known.

Michael grows up to build a huge empire, and now his son controls it. Michael and two of his old friends have enough control over the vote to postpone getting the deal put through. So the mining company will have to wait to tear up the land, or look elsewhere. But there is not much else to say about the plot, and the actual purpose is still unclear. Except that the photography and the visual vistas of the Western Australia are amazing to see. Even at a basic level, this movie is wonderful ad campaign for the tourist bureau in the Land Down-Under.

All the actors do a very reasonable job with the roles they have been given. The story is slow and there is not much in the way of plot movement. Young Michael never has a true antagonist – a person or thing that is against his. At times you think it could be the local hunters. Then you think is might be his father is against him. Then it almost turns into a movie where Nature is against him. But none of these actually follow through with being driving force for Michael.






The wicked new, ‘Brightburn’ Trailer

What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?

With Brightburn, the visionary filmmaker behind Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither presents a startling, subversive take on a radical new genre: superhero horror.

Starring: Elizabeth Banks David Denman Jackson A. Dunn Matt Jones and Meredith Hagner
Directed by: David Yarovesky
Written by: Mark Gunn & Brian Gunn

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In Theaters Memorial Day Weekend


Winner of the Best Director and Special Jury Awards at Sundance, The Last Black Man in San Francisco is a sweeping story about friendship and holding on to your roots in a rapidly changing world.
With his directorial debut, Joe Talbot has crafted a gorgeous tribute to hometowns and how they’re made—and kept alive—by the people who love them.  

Starring: Jimmie Fails, Jonathan Majors, Rob Morgan, Tichina Arnold, and Danny Glover

Coming to Cities Everywhere This Summer.

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My interview with John Lee Hancock and John Fusco of ‘The Highwaymen’

As you should posthaste, I recently watched the highly entertaining Netflix Original ‘The Highwaymen.’ Having enjoyed it so, I couldn’t wait to converse with the men who created the film, director John Lee Hancock and writer John Fusco. Read more

Five Feet Apart Movie Review

“Five Feet Apart” is a story of medically-crossed lovers. Like star-crossed lovers, they meet and fall in love, but something keeps them apart. In this movie, that something is cystic fibrosis, a degenerative lung condition that causes a person to slowly drown in their own excess fluids. It is not a laughing matter. Yet, there is enough hope in the young teenage girl and the slightly older teenage guy to think that this relationship might last. Because they both suffer from CF, those chances are not that good. They need to keep separated by at least six feet at all times. Or maybe five feet apart will do…

Stella Grant (Haley Lu Richardson) is a girl with CF who spends her days in the hospital. She is driven and focused, and her OCD issues keep her life in meticulous order. She must stay in the pediatric ward, even though she is nearly 18 years old. She has a loving mother and father, but illness puts a terrible strain on them. She had a loving older sister, who has passed away about a year ago. Stella makes it a point to visit the neo-natal unit often, because the premature babies give her hope and strength to keep on going. She has a friend in the ward named Poe (Moises Arias) who also has CF. He is just slightly younger than Stella, and they spend a lot time together, always at a safe distance apart.


One day a new CF patient comes in, and he is in a new drug trial case study. Will Newman (Cole Sprouse) has a severe case of CF, with a bacteria strain that is very hard to manage. He is there to test out a new drug, and to become a hot new thing in Stella’s life. Of course, she is ordered and measured – and he is older and more of a rebel. Whatever the doctors want from him, he is in no mood to comply. But he is smitten with Stella, and he has a desire to draw her. He sketches and does charcoal drawings and wants to draw the beauty of Stella. Stella, of course, will have none of that. Not unless Will changes and starts to fully get into his medical testing regimen.

Stella and Will can have no physical contact, yet the both of them have fallen deeply in love with the other.  They do things with Poe, and always at a safe distance. The head nurse in the ward, named Barb (Kimberly Hebert Gregory) loves these kids – but she must be strict. She remembers other cases where CF patients found love in the hospital corridors, but then they took it too far. The other CF kids caught that bad bug from the other and both died. Barb states that it will not happen again “Not on my watch”. That is why Poe and Will and Stella still try to have fun without getting caught. Stella picks up a pool cue from the pool table. She decides that for her and Will – it is a good comprise. They will keep the distance of the cue stick – five feet apart.

But these are young adults with major medical issues. Sometimes, people die. There is sometimes hope for a lung transplant. But most times that will never come. Will’s disease is so bad that it is not even an option. So, they can live, and they can love, but they do not dare to touch or hug or kiss. It is a very difficult relationship at best. Will is about to turn eighteen, and when that happens – he can no longer be in the pediatric ward area. There are big changes in the air, and not all of them will make it. They will feel a great loss and want to ditch everything behind and try new paths. But that might not be the best way to go, when there is a potential for new lungs around the corner.

“Five Feet Apart” is a movie respectful of the pain and suffering of cystic fibrosis patients. It shows all the various difficulties that they endure, because of a bad gene that make their own body a slow death trap. The idea behind a hospital or sick bed romance is fine, but it is not new. See “The Fault in Our Stars” or “The Space Between Us” or “The Big Sick”, among others. The story and writing in this movie is fine, but tapers off a lot right at the ending. There are just too many things that happen that are against the character of Stella that we have seen so far. There is a sudden death, and midnight stroll and some close encounters with a frozen pond. It seems to throw out most everything that has guided Stella’s motives up to this point.

That being said, Haley Lu Richardson does a very splendid job in the role as Stella. She is weary from all her CF trials and tribulations, but she is not down hearted. She is still a positive and forward-looking girl. Cole Sprouse is also good. His role as Will gives him free range to pout and sneer a lot more. His character is much more fatalistic than Stella. He wants to think something good will come from it all, but he is not that hopeful. Moises Arias is very funny as Poe, who can turn being the ‘third wheel’ into a best adventure of a lifetime. He is great for that role and he makes for a great mutual friend for both Stella and Will..

The movie “Five Feet Apart” just might have a better tag line: “Better stay ‘Five Feet Apart’ if you don’t want to end up ‘Six Feet Under’…

Gloria Bell Movie Review

“Gloria Bell” is a mulligan do-over from SebastiĂĄn Lelio, who had written and directed this story already as “Gloria” (2013). Lelio has taken a very mundane story of a woman (you can guess the name) who is middle-aged, divorced and has some indifferent kids and a supportive ex-husband. Gloria has some unusual life experiences with her love life. She has a very positive outlook on life, which makes her a good friend. But as a girlfriend, she expects to have a steady relationship. When it turns out that the relationship that she gets is very shaky instead, she has a few choice words.

Gloria (Julianne Moore) spends most of her day working, but when she has free time in the evening – she loves to dance at a club. She has very large glasses and she will occasionally smoke. She likes to sing along with songs on the radio. She has an apartment with a very loud upstairs neighbor and a silly little cat that always winds up in her room. The cat is not hers, and she throws it out every day, just to see that same cat the next day. Her son (Michael Cera) and daughter (Caren Pistorius) do not have a whole lot of time for Gloria. That is why she goes to the club at night.

She meets Arnold (John Turturro) one night and the hit it off. They start to see each other more and more. Arnold runs a place that does a lot of outdoor fun stuff; trampolines and paint ball guns and the like. He even lets Gloria borrow one of the paint ball guns. She invites Arnold to a party with her family. Her son and daughter are there, along with her ex-husband (Brad Garrett) and his current wife. Arnold feels more and more out-of-place, as the conversations are about the family history. He gets a phone call, and then leaves without saying anything. After a while they notice Arnold is gone, and they don’t know if there has been something that happened.

Gloria is especially upset that he left without an explanation about where he was headed or where he went. He explains that he has two daughters, and they are very ‘fragile’ (as he puts it). He is a helicopter dad hovering over his kid’s lives and watching everything that they do. At the least provocation, he will split from the scene and go be with his kids. Mind you, these are grown young women, but they are so incapable of dealing with life that they must call Daddy for everything. Gloria is furious that he dumped her at her own party without an explanation. Arnold begs and begs and begs and begs for a chance to come back into Gloria’s life. But she always tells him no.

Until she tells him yes. He arranges for a private weekend for just the two of them in Las Vegas. It works out wonderfully. Until Arnold gets a phone call. There is an emergency with his daughter. He refuses to leave and go to help them. Until he does leave. And Gloria is alone once more, left in the lurch. Nothing to do now but dance and drink the night away. Which is all well and good, until she wakes up after being passed out on a pool lounge chair… Arnold asks for forgiveness (again). What will Gloria do? Can she afford to be burned again by a man who to more dedicated to his immature kids than to her? Can she ever find a use for those extra paint ball guns that Arnold had loaned to her?

“Gloria Bell” is very thin mast used to haul up the main sail of Julianne Moore’s performance. She kills it (as typical for her) in this role, even when there is not much meat on the character bone. She is great and does a very believable job. John Turturro is also up to the high bar of acting that he is known for, but his character is not very deep. There is an attempt to give a slow narrative structure to this move. But more often it falls apart into tissue-like segments that feel disconnected. The original movie (“Gloria” 2013) was in Spanish. So maybe something was lost in the translation.