The film ‘Selah and the Spades’ starts by telling its audience about the five’ factions,’ once known as cliques, within the walls of a boarding school named Haldwell High. Students from the prep school run gambling on campus and even see to it that you can cheat. These factions will do just about anything for power and cash, it seems.
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Category: Reviews
The Innocence Files Netflix Review
Netflix covers every aspect of human life in series after series for us to both learn from and be entertained by year after year. They hit the mark every time, careful to touch upon the human element of a story, while also being sure to explain how, no matter the issue, that guilt or innocence and right or wrong, in fact, all angles of a subject are adequately covered. Alex Gibney, the producer of past Netflix hits such as ‘The Family,’ ‘Citizen K’ and ‘Dirty Money,’ is one of the dream team of directors involved with this, their latest project, out today, which is called ‘The Innocence Files.’
Human Nature Movie Review
This outstanding documentary is coming out at the perfect time. With the use of animation, it shows us a virus attacking a cell in our body, injecting its genetic material, and setting up shop to have that cell be its employee, making more and more of the virus. ‘Human Nature’ is packed with information about what the most significant tech revolution of the 21st Century.
Rootwood Movie Review
“Rootwood” appears to be a revised version of the old Creepy Classic – “The Blair Witch Project”. But this one is updated into the millennial generation, so would that make it “The Blair Witch Podcast”? Actually the two main characters begin with a podcast that explores the supernatural realm, so that is what this little independent movie is going for. But, if people remember that the original “Project” was a lot of suspense and moody atmosphere that resulted into not much of anything — then is that the best thing you can base your new project on?
The Other Lamb Movie Review
“The Other Lamb” is an independent feature about a moody and dark place for a woman to exist. The places shown are wonderful scenes, but the people trapped inside this nightmare have no way out. It is a bit of “The Handmaid’s Tale”, taken and stirred with some real-life horrors from inside a weird cult. It is like Jim Jones or David Koresh heading up the ladies in the Amish headgear. But this movie gets deeper into a psychological horror imposed on the women in this ‘religious’ cult. And it ain’t pretty.
Coffee and Kareem Movie Review
Once I saw the trailer for ‘Coffee & Kareem,’ I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to view it. The trailer pits Ed Helms, from ‘The Office,’ ‘The Hangover,’ and ‘Tag’ against a child, and the kid is winning?!? Sounds good to me!
Gold Dust Movie Review
“Gold Dust” is an independent gem of a movie. It is not Fool’s Gold by a long shot. It is quirky and wacky release for DVD and Video-on-Demand, but I think it should be in Great Demand. It concerns a pair of oddball treasure hunters roaming throughout the Southwest desert looking for treasure, but finding mostly nothing but trouble. If you took “No Country for Old Men” and crossed it with crazy comedy — like ‘The Odd Couple’, you might get close to this movie. It might not have a huge budget or have major studio backing, but is a worth while nugget to find in these forlorn times. Read more
‘NEVER RARELY SOMETIMES ALWAYS’ is an emotional and provocative look at the truth of a topic no one wants to touch. Right now, abortion is a frightening theme to frame a film around in America. In fact, it’s a scary subject, no matter what’s going on in this country.
Resistance Movie Review
Marcel Marceau (1923-2007) is someone I’ve never known much about. My knowledge of him extended to an awareness that he was a world-famous French mime who was beloved for his skills in using his body to express himself rather than his words.
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The Roads Not Taken Movie Review
In this moving film, Leo (Bardem) has lost his grip on reality and fallen into the abyss that is dementia. Read more