Gracie & Pedro: Pets to the Rescue

Gracie & Pedro: Pets to the Rescue Movie Review

“Gracie & Pedro: Pets to the Rescue” is animated movie about two pets on an ‘incredible journey’.  During a move from one city to another, the pets get separated from the owners — and must travel ‘homeward bound’.  And if you think this is an original idea, Disney might like to have a word with you… Read more

The Outrun

The Outrun Movie Review

“The Outrun” is a fiercely evocative movie of struggle and recovery from a severe addition to alcohol. The main character hits rock bottom in London, and travels back to her home in a remote island off Scotland. She learns to live each day at peace and face her issues — not flee from them. Because addiction is one thing you can’t ‘out run’… Read more

Hold Your Breath

Hold Your Breath Movie Review

Available on Hulu streaming


“Hold Your Breath” is a story of bleak fortunes during a tough time, leading to misery and madness. The Dust Bowl during the late 1930’s has turned many farms into desolate wastelands. One family survives on the knife’s edge of security and sanity. But they feel an evil presence is driving them to wither away like the crops. Read more

The Wild Robot

The Wild Robot Movie Review

“The Wild Robot” is an animated movie where Nature meets Nurture. And in this case, Nurture is in the form of a Robot crash-landed onto a remote island. The Robot is designed to provide service to humans and complete any assigned task. But can this Robot give the one thing that a little newly-hatched gosling really needs? A Mother?


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The Substance

The Substance Movie Review

“The Substance” is a movie that describes how Beauty might be skin-deep, but Vanity is a cancer that gets deep into the bone marrow. A famous Movie/TV Star reaches an age where she gets discarded. But she finds a way to use a mysterious ‘substance’ that can make a new and better version of herself. But like with Dorian Gray; when you mess with Nature, Nature will tend to mess with you back. You get the ‘picture’… Read more

My Old Ass

My Old Ass Movie Review

“My Old Ass” is a fun little coming-of-age story mixed with a little ‘woo-woo’ voodoo. This allows an older version of the character to give advice to the younger one. It is not like “Back to the Future 2”. No, in this case, the mysterious trip in the ‘Way Back Machine’ is from drugs – not a DeLorean. And this one’s a kick in the Ass.. Read more

The Front Room

The Front Room Movie Room

“The Front Room” is a tale based on horror — the horror of getting old. When a young couple is backed into a corner, they agree to let the husband’s estranged step-mother come to live with them. The elderly step-mother brings an opinionated view into the house. She has a basic lack of tact, and a lack of bladder and bowel control. Things are turning into a ‘M-E-Double-S’… Read more

Sing Sing

Sing Sing Movie Review

“Sing Sing” is an emotionally uplifting story set in the most depressing place — the maximum security prison called ‘Sing Sing’. Prisoners on the inside never have a lot of freedom to express themselves. But a program designed to get inmates familiar with ‘The Arts’ gives them a chance to produce plays and learn acting skills. You might call it ‘The Sing Sing Redemption’, just without the major escape at the end. Read more

Fly Me to the Moon

Fly Me to the Moon Movie Review

“Fly Me to the Moon” is a movie that has the backdrop of the U.S. Space Program of the late 1960’s. The Apollo moon shot mission is the key focus. But it is not content with following the (fictional) people involved. It instead goes into major ‘conspiracy theory’ territory. The actual moon landing will be a real boost for America’s prestige — even if Government Forces need to ‘fake it’… Read more