Movie Screening Summary: Set in the harrowing days following 9/11, a U.S. Special Forces team, led by their new Captain, Mitch Nelson (Chris Hemsworth), is chosen to be the first U.S. troops sent into Afghanistan for an extremely dangerous mission. There, in the rugged mountains, they must convince Northern Alliance General Dostum (Navid Negahban) to join forces with them to fight their common adversary: the Taliban and their Al Qaeda allies. In addition to overcoming mutual distrust and a vast cultural divide, the Americans—accustomed to state-of-the-art warfare—must adopt the rudimentary tactics of the Afghani horse soldiers. But despite their uneasy bond, the new allies face overwhelming odds: outnumbered and outgunned by a ruthless enemy that does not take prisoners.
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Advance Movie Screening For 12 STRONG
Find your chance to receive special advance movie screening passes below.
Phoenix, Arizona
Advance Movie Screening Details
Movie Screening Date: Tuesday, January 16
Location: Harkins Tempe Marketplace
Movie Screening Time: 7:00pm
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Tucson, Arizona
Advance Movie Screening Details
Movie Screening Date: Tuesday, January 16
Location: Century El Con
Movie Screening Time: 7:00pm
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Advance Movie Screening Details
Movie Screening Date: Tuesday, January 16
Location: Regal Red Rock
Movie Screening Time: 7:00pm
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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Advance Movie Screening Details
Movie Screening Date: Tuesday, January 16
Location: Regal Winrock
Movie Screening Time: 7:00pm
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Advance Movie Screening Information
To redeem a pass, simply click the Get Passes button. You will taken to our movie screening partner site (where you can sign up for a free account). Once you’ve done so, you’ll be able to print out your pass and bring it with you to your screening or event.
Admittance into a screening or event is not guaranteed with your pass. Events and advance screenings are filled on a ” first come, first served ” basis. To ensure that you stand a good chance of being admitted, we recommend that you show up 30 minutes to one hour early.
The number of admissions that are permissible for each pass are printed clearly on the ticket that you print out. You are allowed to bring as many guests as is indicated on your pass. For example, if your pass is for ” Admit Two, ” you can bring yourself and one guest. If you have an ” Admit One ” pass, you can bring only yourself.
If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us.