Category: Reviews
Coming 2 America Movie Review
When you hear that a movie like the 1988 comedy sensation, ‘Coming to America,’ is getting a sequel, you manage your expectations. Do that here and you’ll enjoy yourself.
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Boogie Movie Review
“Boogie” is movie about growing up with ambitions and expectations that might seem far-fetched. The young high school basketball ball star is from an ethically Chinese background. There are few roles models in the NBA to whom he can relate. Growing up in New York City also gives him difficulties, in that there as many people biased against him from the White side of the city as from the Black side.
Chaos Walking Movie Review
“Chaos Walking” is a movie adaptation of a trilogy of young-adult novels. It has the story lines of all three books crammed into a single movie. It seems to have a generally unique idea, a world of only Men, and everyone’s inner thoughts are visible and can be heard in “The Noise”. However the execution of this movie leaves more questions than it does any answers. So it becomes ‘Chaos Watching’…
Raya and the Last Dragon Movie Review
Maybe it’s the division politics has created, maybe it’s the pandemic we’re currently experiencing, who knows, but the messages coming through in this Disney film make it one of the most compelling and the most potent that I’ve seen yet. With its characters looking like dolls sitting on your shelves, of which there’s no doubt every fan will soon have, the animation is breathtakingly gorgeous. You’ll revel in what this film says and does and in the fantasy world that it creates for you.
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Test Pattern Movie Review
‘Test Pattern’ is the type of film that you love hearing has been made, but at the same time find it difficult to watch.
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Nomadland Movie Review
Writer and director of the screenplay for ‘Nomadland,’ Chloé Zhao, has said, ‘The American road fascinates me. It’s heartbreakingly beautiful and deeply complicated. I’ve traveled it for many years and always hoped to capture a glimpse of it.’ With that in mind, one must think that’s why the Chinese filmmaker chose to get involved with turning Jessica Bruder’s book into a film.
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Judas and the Black Messiah Movie Review
This film is inspired by true events. Similarly, to Sam Pollard’s ‘MLK/FBI’ out earlier this year, ‘Judas and the Black Messiah’ shows the world how afraid of powerful black men J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI was. Both films come out and say that he feared a Black Messiah and that the number of people Black leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King and the focus of this film, Black Panther leader Fred Hampton, could gather with one assembly alone, terrified him.
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The Mauritanian Movie Review
Director Kevin Macdonald both enlightens and shocks with this dramatic film. After a suspenseful opening scene where we meet the main character, a man by the name of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, from Mauritanian, South African, we find out that he’s in desperate need of help.
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Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar Movie Review
Co-writers of the hysterical buddy comedy ‘Bridesmaids’ (2011), Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig, have teamed up once again in ‘Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar, a campy, nonsensical little comedy that’s light on the cleverness and lousy with the silly.
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