Star Wars: The Last Jedi Movie Review

“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” continues the new story of the Skywalker Saga begun in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. That prior movie was a smash hit, and it set the table set for many options and story lines. So, now this next step in the story takes some very bold moves and it makes a solid impact on the Star Wars legacy. Rian Johnson has created a masterful addition to the line of ‘Star Wars’ movies, and he can be proud that his is among the best.

Based on the prior ‘Force Awakens’ movie, there are some old favorites and some new characters in the current movie. The Resistance is led by General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher). The secluded Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) has been located by Rey (Daisy Ridley). Luke had been isolated on a remote planet by choice because he failed in training new Jedi students, including his nephew Ben Solo (Adam Driver). Ben has turned to the Dark Side of the Force, led by Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis) a cruel master of the First Order. His group has taken over the galactic government and rules by military might. Ben Solo is now known as Kylo Ren, and he is responsible for death of his father. His mother is Leia and she is on the run from the First Order.

General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) is Snoke’s current henchman, and his troops are hunting down the Resistance. Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) is a hot-shot Resistance pilot who leads a daring raid on Snoke’s star fleet. His new friend Finn (John Boyega) is ready for action. Finn is a former Stormtrooper, but he switched sides to join the Resistance. He meets up with Rose (Kelly Marie Tran), who has low-level job but will become a major asset to Finn.

Rose and Finn set out on a quest to find a person who can get them access into First Order Star Destroyer craft. Luke meets Rey on his isolation planet, but he is not moved to join up and help the Resistance. Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) is assisting Rey to convince Luke to come back. Chewy soon becomes friends with the little creatures on the island called Porgs. They are like mini penguin-type birds with huge expressive eyes.

Rey has a strong connection with the Force that is unexplained. Her power becomes big concern for Luke, because he had seen that before in Ben Solo. But when Ben turned to the Dark Side and became Kylo Ren, Luke knew he had failed. Rey had fought Kylo Ren (in the prior movie) and now they have some type of telepathic bond. They can communicate and they know that something big is about to happen.

Rose and Finn find a nameless thief (Benicio del Toro) on a distant planet called Canto Bight. This low-life thief says he is a master codebreaker who can get into the Star Destroyer and stop General Hux from catching Leia and the Resistance remnants. Leia suffers in an attack and is put into medical sick bay. The command passes to Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (Laura Dern), who stops Poe from attempting to attack Snoke’s star fleet. They have suffered too many losses.


Rey and Kylo Ren join up in a light saber battle in Supreme Leader Snoke’s headquarter office, with red-robed Guards protecting him. Thsis sequence is a magnificent production of fight choreography that just elevates the entire movie. Rose and Finn are caught and are threatened by Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie). Phasma was Finn’s old boss as the commander of the Stormtroopers. BB-8 is a personable little droid, who was saved in the prior movie by Rey, and now is very helpful to Rose and Finn.


Poe is working to undermine Vice Admiral Holdo’s command, but Leia comes back to be in control. There is a major sacrifice made to allow the remaining Resistance fighters to escape Hux and Kylo Ren. There is a final battle in an old Resistance base on a nearby planet. This allows for a major one-on-one battle between Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker, which can be described as an ultimate ‘Jedi Mind Trick’.

The build-up for this movie has been huge, and Rian Johnson has delivered a major success. The story line fits in perfectly with the prior movie, and the original characters are well placed in the overall structure. There is a welcome amount of humor and lightness, along with the heavier aspects of life and death, sacrifice and treachery, and good versus evil.

There are strong characters and a good mix of people facing tough decisions, and then dealing with the consequences. The acting is top notch all around. Special kudos to Mark Hamill, who is coming back to a character he has not portrayed in decades. Plus, the visual shot selection and special effects are outstanding. Also, the wonderful John Williams is back doing the music that made him a legend back in the day…

Is it the most perfect movie? It is a bit over-long, and there are some extra moments that go on too long. The whole section with Finn and Rose going to Canto Bight and meeting up with the ‘thief’ breaks the rhythm of the overall movie. There dangerous villains that are disposed of too quickly. The plot point of Luke refusing to help out, but then changing his mind is a bit obvious. But beyond the nit-pick items, this is one damn fine movie. There are even little bits with R2-D2, and C-3PO, and with the Master Yoda’s ghost…


And the most important thing – no Porgs were injured during the filming of this movie!


Darkest Hour – Movie Review

The nominations for ‘Darkest Hour’ alone will make you want to bolt to the theatre and see it but spectacular are the performances of Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas.  Now that I got that out of the way, let me introduce the film by saying that there is a particular audience for it.  If you love history and if you love war pictures, well, the behind the scenes drama of war, this could very well be one of your favorites for the year.  It’s the best of its kind to come along in a long time.  Gary Oldman gives an exceptional Oscar-worthy performance and for that alone, it’s well worth your time.

It’s long at two hours and five minutes but only a few times do you feel its length.  The film centers around a very short period of time in 1940 during World War II.  With Nazi soldiers breathing down their necks, Parliament makes a decision.  The Prime Minister of England is hoisted from his position for being too weak with Hitler, but they struggle with knowing that quite a crisis will befall his replacement. They now toil with who that replacement will be.  Who can handle the evil that Hitler has shown himself to be?  They need someone strong and, as you already know, decide to give Winston Churchill a try though many have their doubts.

We go heavily into the life of Churchill during these days.  We even see him in bed, as he demands his breakfast, to get to know him more.  It’s easy to see that he’s gruff with everyone he’s around, his wife and his secretary, but for some, it’ll take a while to see another thing… Churchill is played by… Gary Oldman!  It really is Oldman peeking out from behind a pound of makeup and camouflaged beneath tons of padding to make him more believable.  He’s outstanding and watching this on the big screen will allow you to absorb the performance that much more which is something I truly hope you do.  He deserves that much, and you’ll be the richer for having witnessed it the way director Joe Wright (Atonement, Hanna, Pride & Prejudice) meant for you to see his portrayal.  If you’re not aware of the importance of who this man was in the grand scheme of things and in the larger picture of ‘what could have been,’ this movie can serve not only as a captivating piece of history or reminder for you but a cautionary tale of how close we once came to no longer being who we are today and how close things still can escalate to put us in that same position.

Churchill kept his wits about him and saw that England was done for sure if Hitler wasn’t stopped.  He had a broad strategic approach and unlike the previous Prime Minister, he knew the situation couldn’t be met with talks of peace.  He realized Hitler knew nothing of peace.  He approached the United States for help but was sadly turned away and as Hitler got closer, he had another political battle.  He had to convince his own party that fighting was the only thing they could do if they were to survive the assault on their country.  He went to the people of England and put it to them, in a scene you won’t soon forget, and got his answer.  Fight.  As the enemy swarms the shores of Dunkirk, Churchill calls on all of England to help and is on his way to victory.

Darkest Hour is remarkable and I recommend you get your ticket early and get to the theatre to see this TONIGHT!  You’ll be moved, you’ll be that impressed and I think you’ll agree… Oldman is on fire in this film.  His supporting cast is equally as good.  You’ll be thoroughly entertained.  By the way, after seeing this movie, one might feel compelled to watch Dunkirk.  It’s only logical that you do.  Though they feel quite different because they’re made by different directors they are perfect for back to back viewing.


The Disaster Artist – Movie Review

This is a film for the dreamers.  If you’ve ever been told you can’t do something or if you’ve let a dream go because you felt it was impossible to continue to strive for, no point in continuing to reach for the sky, see ‘The Disaster Artist’ to be reminded that your limitations only lie within you.  Nothing is truly impossible if you put everything you’ve got into your goals and if you accept the fact that sometimes… you need a helping hand.  Anyone who has been driven wild by doubt, especially if you’ve wanted to work in the film business in any way, will be inspired by the story of Tommy Wiseau who is played absurdly and honorably by James Franco.  He and his friend Greg (Dave Franco) set out to make their dreams come true and Tommy would never have made it had he not been open to listening to someone, something not that easy for him.  Greg never left his side, he believed in him every step of the way and remained loyal, constantly reminding him to never give up.

Tommy Wiseau made a film called ‘The Room’ in 2003, which has overtaken Ed Wood’s 1959 film ‘Plan 9 From Outer Space’ as the worst movie ever made.  ‘The Room’ did find its audience in almost the same fashion as 1975’s ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ built its congregation of loyal fans.  Some may have considered the films bad, others loved them and they created cult followings after playing at midnight for people looking for late night entertainment that wasn’t like everything else… and where they felt a part of something special.  Any film, even if considered the worst, should hold its head high to be in the company of Plan 9 and Rocky Horror.  If they prove anything, it’s at least that Tommy’s film could continue to be seen by many and will be around for decades to come.

‘The Disaster Artist’ is about the making of ‘The Room.’  James Franco is the director of the film but not only does he tackle this incredibly eccentric character from behind the lens but, as I previously mentioned, he also brings him to life in what’s arguably his best character yet.  In fact, he could possibly be getting a gold statue for the role.  He does a more than adequate job directing, as well.

He doesn’t try to remake ‘The Room’ here but instead demonstrates the incredibly long and difficult road it takes to get ‘The Room’ from Wiseau’s script, which was a very heady idea to be sure, to the screening of the film.  He meets Greg, a young actor who is about to give up on his dreams of ever getting to Hollywood and they move to LA together after knowing one another for a short time where unbeknownst to Greg, Tommy has an apartment where they can hunker down and start the process of auditioning.

About halfway through the film, you’ll realize you’re continually being eaten away by wanting to know who this Tommy Wiseau is exactly.  As you get further in, his quirks, his aggressive nature, his weaknesses will intrigue you more and more and you’ll want to know more.  Who is this man?  Where did he come from?  Where did he get his unending supply of money?  Why does he look like the walking dead… why does he talk like that?!  He has no specific talent and it seems that by helping Greg, who makes a pact with him that they’d always push one another, his true goal is to only help himself.

In the end, he pays five million dollars to make his film and it tanks.  It’s awful.  This might have ended things for most people but through the support of others he has met along the way, ‘The Room’ still thrives and now has this solid piece, ‘The Disaster Artist’, paying homage to it and to Tommy himself.

‘The Disaster Artist’ isn’t mocking the movie but instead, it’s acknowledging what strong-willed people, when not jealous of the others’ successes, will go through for something and someone they believe in.  The scenes showing the crew and actors on set waiting around for something to happen are fantastic.  If you’ve ever made a film or even been part of a large group of people working toward one common goal, you’ll appreciate the humor used here.  The movie is hysterical and it’s not going too far out on a limb to say it very well could develop its own cult following.  A24 never disappoints and this is definitely one to see!

The Shape of Water movie poster

The Shape of Water

This film is, essentially, a sonnet.  A sonnet to love that bursts to life with a breathtaking opening.  It’s presented to you with intricate imagery and topped with a poem at the end to nicely complete the fable.  ‘The Shape of Water’ is called a fairy tale and from the poster, you can see it certainly looks like one.  Director Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, The Devil’s Backbone) was quite obviously inspired by ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon.’  Regardless of what it’s labeled, a love story, a fairy tale, a thriller, it’s hard to really describe it as any one thing in particular.  That task seems better left for the individual viewer of this magnificent work of art.  At one moment you’ll see it as a thriller where you’re biting your lip, filled with anxieties, another you’ll feel the anguish that makes it a drama but there’s no doubt it’s a brilliant fantasy. 

The plot of the story is a woman falling in love with an amphibian.  We see beauty in all things.  She most certainly does.  The movie is an ode to love, for people and for other creatures no matter who or what they are, and that’s the strong central message del Toro makes very clear.  That and how important the color green is to him.  Everything is green.  The start of the film is waterlogged and wonderful and you’ll appreciate how green lends to the temperature of the film as a whole.  As we begin the story in the apartment (above a theatre) that belongs to our protagonist, Eliza Esposito (Hawkins), we are swept away to another time and place.  Eliza is a perfect damsel in distress.  She’s short, mute and low on friends but appreciates everything she has, especially a little alone time in her bathtub where she relieves herself from the tensions of the day.  

The year is 1962, right before the death of Kennedy and the death of what people considered to be their hope for their country… did I mention the film gets political at times?  Eliza works with Zelda (Spencer) in a secret government laboratory.  They’re cleaning women and generally keep to themselves but due to a wrong place, wrong time situation, are one day pulled into something they weren’t expecting.  Asked to clean up a bloody mess after Mr. Strickland (Shannon) gets a horrific injury, the women are privy to more information than they care to be.  For Zelda, it’s just, ‘do the job, move on and forget it happened.’  For Eliza, very curious by nature, it’s a matter of finding out the ‘why’s’ of the bigger picture.  She sees a creature, known as only the asset, wrongly imprisoned and feels sorry for it as it’s tortured by cold, heartless men.  When next she sees the creature, not intimidated by it, she gives it part of her lunch.  A bonding begins.

The creature is possibly going to be used for space exploration and the lab Eliza works is not the only research facility that wants him.  She tells her friend and neighbor Giles, played magnificently by Richard Jenkins, about the creature who is intrigued but when she speaks of a plot to rescue her new charge, he’s more than concerned.  Sadly, you’ll grow concerned, too, as the film nears its conclusion.  Up to the point where her plot to remove the asset from his imprisonment ends, it’s a well-structured, beautifully formed and stunningly shot film.  It’s a fascinatingly violent film with peculiar lusts along with joy and guilt hidden in dark places BUT the end seems rather flat.  Be that as it may, don’t be deterred from seeing it.

Afterall, it’s not as if your imagination can’t move beyond what del Toro does on screen and fill in a few blanks… it’s a shame that it must. 

Wonder Wheel Movie Review

“Wonder Wheel” is a new movie from Woody Allen full of drama and dialogue, Allen’s favorite topics. However, in this case the drama is weak and the dialogue is ponderous and overblown. Woody Allen is not devoid of talent, but in this case, he seems to have misplaced his writing skills. They were replaced with a first-year college student attempt at writing ‘serious’ drama. The story is very slim and the characters are two-dimensional at best. The actors are giving it their best shot, but it’s hard to make an impact with such light-weight material.

In 1950 at Coney Island, there is a large Ferris wheel ride called (strangely enough) “Wonder Wheel”. Ginny (Kate Winslet) is a failed actress with a young son, and her first husband left her. She is now married to Humpty (Jim Belushi), an easy-going guy who works at the merry-go-round in the amusement park. Humpty and Ginny, who works as a waitress at a bar in the park, both live with her son in a tiny apartment next to the Wonder Wheel. They have little money, and things are usually tense between them. But it is about to get worse.

Humpty has a grown daughter from his first marriage, named Carolina (Juno Temple). She had left and gotten married to a gangster, and Humpty was not pleased. But her marriage went bad, and she left the mob life, and then talked with the FBI. Carolina is now a marked woman, and she is being chased by some thugs who want to kill her. But Carolina goes back to the one place that she knows will have someone to take her in. She goes back to Humpty and his meager life. But she will now share a space with Humpty and Ginny and her son, and this makes everyone feel on edge. She also has dangerous thugs coming after her, so everyone is also very nervous.

Ginny destroyed her first marriage by being unfaithful, and she is again falling into this same pattern this time. She is sneaking away to make time to be with Mickey (Justin Timberlake). He is a grad student and works as a summer lifeguard in the park. Mickey also acts a narrator during the entire movie, which makes his character seem even more awkward. He talks a good game to Ginny, so much so that she thinks he is truly in love with her. Mickey then meets Carolina, so his infatuation is torn between the two women. Ginny is furious and makes several bad decisions that will affect everyone involved.

There are numerous loose ends and unanswered plot points. Ginny takes a lot of money that Humpty had saved, and she spent it on Mikey. Ginny’s son has a habit of starting fires and causing destruction. Ginny’s first husband was a drummer and she was an actress, but all of these things are mentioned and appear to have some deeper meaning. But nothing becomes of any of the things that get mentioned and discussed. So why bring any of these up at all? No answer…

There is something very odd about the screen images at some points. There are times when the screen is awash in a garish reddish-orange color, but it slowly turns into a dark blue tint. Sometimes a character is in a harsh bright light, and then other times when they are hidden in shadow and darkness. Part of this is supposed to reflect living under the lights of the Ferris wheel next door. But it is not a good look for the movie. The characters are subject to a weird pattern of lighting that does not look realistic.

The screenplay is a major sticking point. The dialog seems very ‘theater’ based, and not so much prepared for a cinematic experience. The script feels very full of high ideals and expectations. But it fails to deliver on any of it. There is talk of metaphors and allusions to great theater works, but it just shows how weak this story line is compared to those major works. The actors are doing a admirable job putting their best effort into the movie. However, the result is off-the-mark because the story and the dialog lets them down. Woody Allen has made some very memorable movies. This is not one of those movies.

Coney Island is probably a great place to visit in real life. The actual Wonder Wheel looks very impressive and must be a fun ride. But the Woody Allen treatment of “Wonder Wheel” is not all that good. His version goes around and around, but it never gets you anywhere. This one from Allen is not worth the ride.


Roman J. Israel, Esq. – Movie Review

Another fabulous film coming at you before we close out 2017 is Roman J. Israel, Esq.  If you love Denzel Washington, see it now because in this film you’ll see him, simply put, in a way you’ve never seen him before.  His character Roman is a criminal attorney with a civil-rights background who has been working for low wages for thirty-six years.  Instead of becoming a lawyer to get what he can out of people who hurt for his expertise those most, he became one because he’s passionate about helping those individuals who are in desperate need.  He fights for those who have been wronged and despairs when he sees the lawyers of the day allow their first-time offenders to receive sentences of ten years in prison rather than spending the time to go to bat for their clients as they should. 

Roman J. Israel, Esq., so named for the dignity the title possess, is a bit of an egghead and a savant, with a photographic memory.  He believes in social justice and wants to do the right thing as did his mentor and his hero’s but as it becomes harder to be an idealist in a world who’ll fight you tooth and nail for their right not to be protected, Roman feels the earth his career was based on begin to shift out from under his feet.  That earth is not as steady as it once was. 

Washington brings Roman to life so convincingly that you wonder if this wasn’t the real Washington all along.  Going through the loss of all that is dear to him, Roman gets upset and nervous and it shows.  When he’s most troubled, Washington gives him ticks such as playing with his glasses, pulling at his hair.  He displays other behavioral abnormalities that ultimately sell the role.  His performance is magnificent and as the story builds to its inevitable conclusion the more you’re lost in this character and feel for his circumstances.  We learn he’s a forceps baby which tells Roman that he’s fully aware of this world not being one he wanted to enter, especially since he sees what others choose to ignore but in a city that has hardened from corruption, his heart has remained in the right place… until now, that is.

His partner and owner of the law practice, a well-known civil-rights litigator by the name of William Jackson, falls very ill.  While he’s in the hospital, Roman, who has always been the brains behind the operation doing a lot of the grunt work, takes on the cases.  He’s only to go to court and get continuances for the cases but due to his strong beliefs, he can’t help but get involved to try and right what he sees is wrong and fight against the racism, greed and authoritative tendencies of society in the United States and its court system.

George Pierce (Farrell), who was a former student of Jackson’s, handles the liquidation of the company after Jackson’s death and has to let Roman go.  Aware of his intelligence, George hires him for his company and the story picks up speed.  A lot of the dialogue here seems very deliberate, to speak of what is going on in the country today which, if you’re following politics at all, you could find very engaging and appreciate hearing.  It isn’t tedious and it doesn’t assault you but watching an optimist become a realist the way writer/director Dan Gilroy (Nightcrawler) shows Roman slowly become is both heartbreaking and frightening.  Working for George isn’t easy for him because he’s forced to do what he hates and he metamorphoses into what he ultimately despises.  He also becomes ‘Tired of doing the impossible for the ungrateful.’  However, as Roman loses himself, we see who he is turning around and that is someone with the power and control to achieve what Roman sadly never could.

I recommend Roman J. Israel, Esq. for anyone who likes a powerful story with characters driven not by lust or ambition but by the dedication and the commitment to do what’s right.  This is a heavy drama that requires your full attention and once you give it you’ll applaud what you get in return.   

The Man Who Invented Christmas Movie Review

“The Man Who Invented Christmas” is a spritely look at the creation of a small book in 1843 that led to a revival and appreciation for the Christmas holiday. Charles Dickens came up with “A Christmas Carol” a couple of months before Christmas in that year. It was major effort on his part, but he felt inspired to create a book that would counter his critics. They had called him out after poor reviews on his recent books. This is a fanciful retelling of how Dickens came up with the ideas for “Carol”, and how he got inspirations to write the characters of the novella. In this version, the actual characters of the book become real to Dickens and lead him on to finish the book.

Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens) is a popular author in London who has had a major hit with ‘Oliver Twist’. But his recent work has been lackluster and the public is less than enthused. Dickens needs to create a new book and do it soon, and it must be a smash hit. His agent, John Forster (Justin Edwards) tries to get the publishers to advance Dickens money to create a new book. Dickens wants to do a book about Christmas, and he decides to handle it all himself. He will write and book in two months’ time, get it illustrated, published and into the stores by Christmas time. Too bad he is suffering from major writer’s block…

Dickens starts to come up with a way to tell the story of a miserly old man and how three Christmas spirits visit him one Christmas Eve and change his life. The old penny-pinching scoundrel is named Scrooge (Christopher Plummer) and that character comes alive in Dickens’ real world. Scrooge, and many other fanciful characters from “A Christmas Carol”, join with Dickens on his quest to write the book. His wife (Morfydd Clark) thinks that Charles is acting a little funny, but that is par for the course. His father, John Dickens (Jonathan Pryce), also comes to stay for a few months and that adds to the commotion. John had been an uneven influence on Charles growing up. John had spent time in the Debtors Prison, which caused Charles to be put into a terrible workhouse environment.

As Dickens becomes more obsessed with getting the book out in time, the figure of Scrooge and others from the book haunt him all the time. In his first draft, he decides to let Tiny Tim perish from illness. But his agent and his wife overrule the cruel outcome that would have pleased Scrooge. Scrooge’s delight at the little Tim’s passing makes Dickens change the story and makes Scrooge change his mind. The story gets completed and the illustrator gets the pictures done. The final book gets into bookstores before Christmas and soon everyone loves “A Christmas Carol”. The book is resounding success, and it has never been out-of-print, beginning in 1843

The idea to delve into the back-story of how the influential book was created is a fresh approach to the Christmas classic. Luckily, the story behind the story is enthralling and it is filled with as many interesting people as the book. Charles Dickens life and times growing up in London and becoming a famous author is a fun and uplifting story. Dan Stevens does wonderful job with such an expressive face and knowing eyes. His portrayal is also balanced with Christopher Plummer as Scrooge. It is a role that is comfortable for the experienced actor and he nails it.

The movie moves quickly into a world filled with Dickens’ imagination and his literary friends. The soundtrack, by Mychael Danna, is bright and gives an appropriate bounce to the proceedings. The story gets into a somewhat dark area right near the end, but it rebounds again into a light and breezy ending. The treatment of the events that surround the creation of “A Christmas Carol” can make even a Scrooge be thankful for the holiday spirit.

Coco Movie Review

“Coco” is a wonderful new movie from some really talented people at Pixar. These are the folk who make the refreshing and creative movies there, not the ones who toil in the Pixar ‘sequel’ division. This is a bright and colorful celebration of Mexican traditions and culture, especially the ‘Día de los Muertos’ (Day of the Dead). That is when family members who have passed away are remembered, a time when music and rejoicing fills the air.

Young Miguel Rivera (Anthony Gonzalez) is from a poor village, but his family has banished music for generations. Ever since his great-grandmother, named Coco (Ana Ofelia Murguia) had her father disappear into the world of a musician. He left to make a name for himself, but he never returned. Mamá Imelda (Alanna Ubach), who was Coco’s mother forbade any more music, and instead made shoemaking the family business. Now Coco is very frail and invalid, but she still dreams of her ‘Papa’.

Miguel has hidden love of music, and of a long-dead musician named Ernesto de la Cruz (Benjamin Bratt). He was a famous artist who had starred in movies and had many hit songs. But he died young and never knew if he had any family. Miguel thinks that he could be related to de la Cruz and that maybe he could have some of his songwriting talent. Miguel ‘borrows’ the famous de la Cruz guitar from the superstar’s shrine.

Miguel finds himself in the Land of the Dead, with all of his dead relatives around him. He must get a blessing from a family member to ever get back to the normal world. And he better hurry, because at sunrise it will be the end of ‘Día de los Muertos’ and Miguel could find himself stuck on the wrong side forever. It is lucky that he also has hus adopted street dog named Dante to guide him in there.

He meets Hector, another deceased musician who claims to know Ernesto de la Cruz, If Hector can bring Miguel to de la Cruz, and perhaps he can get his famous relative to give a blessing and get Miguel back home. But things in the spirit world, as well as in the real world, are not always as they seem. When secrets are revealed and mistaken identities are finally known, then everyone involved can all be at peace.

Every actor doing a voice role has been cast with perfect care. Every major part is played by a Mexican or Hispanic artist. This really adds to the authentic nature of the movie and also shows the respect given to that culture.  The design of the movie gets right to the heart of Mexican love of color and vibrant music. Each image is a beautiful nod to the style and classy nature of Hispanic art.

The movie is also available in 3-D, and this does two things. First it does add some depth to the look and feel of the design features, but it can also add a small layer of darkness to a film that should be seen on a large screen and with the brightest image. So it cuts both ways for the 3-D aspect, and is not a required thing to enjoy the movie.

Yes, it must be said that couple of years ago, the movie came out called “The Book of Life”. This movie also did a terrific job with the similar theme of ‘Día de los Muertos’. But I would say that “The Book of Life” hit a home run, but it was an inside-the-park type. “Coco”, on the other hand, hits a full Grand Slam…


Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri – Movie Review

Do not, under any circumstances, miss this movie.  It’s one of the most unique and highly entertaining films of the year.  Written and directed by the skilled and very distinguished Martin McDonagh (In Bruges, Seven Psychopaths), whose work never fails to impress, bewilder and engage you, likewise, Three Billboards will surprise you, shock you, delight you as well as alarm you.  I don’t know what I was expecting going in but what I got was purely visceral and elicited, more than once, a stirring of genuine discomfort for what Mildred (McDormand) was going through.

Important to pull you in, all characters in the film are rich in tone and have strong personalities.  From the target of the Billboards, chief of police Willoughby (Harrelson), to his hotheaded underling, Dixon (Rockwell), the players of the narrative are well developed and entrenched within a captivating and engrossing story about despair and hopelessness.  The film is beautifully shot with fitting music to accompany the actors who are expertly cast for each role.  All things considered, this is easily one of the best films of the year.

A tragedy happened in Ebbing, almost an entire year previous, that changed Mildred’s, an independent and strong divorced mother of two, life forever; her teenage daughter, Angela (Kathryn Newton), was raped and murdered.  In a flashback scene, we learn that Mildred has every reason to feel a little guilty for it happening.  Though Mildred has a son to live for, she has been devastated by her loss and refuses to let the police sit and allow her daughter’s death to go unsolved any longer.  Fearing they’re not doing as much as they should and that Angela’s death is turning into a cold case, she rents Three Billboards and posts messages to Chief Willoughby, reminding him that he has an unsolved murder on his hands, lest he had forgotten.  In a deep red with black lettering the signs read, ‘Raped While Dying,’ ‘And Still No Arrests?’ and ‘How Come, Chief Willoughby?’

After the billboards, with their very potent and direct messages of what happened to her daughter and who it is not doing anything about her murder, go up, Mildred draws unwanted attention from everyone in town.  She finds that Willoughby has many admirers and that the citizens of Ebbing don’t appreciate her attacking and questioning him the way that she has.  It’s at this point we learn more about his current situation and suddenly a suspect list begins to emerge; so do outstanding performances.

Every word McDormand’s Mildred utters is done so with such diligence and precision that the anguish Mildred is suffering through practically assaults you as the characters in the film assault one another.  You’ll agree that McDormand will be a strong contender for an Academy Award this year but so might Sam Rockwell be with his turn here as the slightly deranged mama’s boy of a police officer who’ll stop at nothing to support his boss.  With these two actors at the helm, and an almost muted offering by Harrelson who is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, you’ll not only be happy you saw this movie this weekend but you’ll get back in line to watch it again.  The end leaves the audience to guess what ultimately happens so what better way to solve a mystery than to watch more closely and research everything once again for anything you may have missed.


*Exclusively at Harkins Camelview at Fashion Square

Wonder Movie Review

“Wonder” is based on a popular book by the same name that deals with a young boy with a severely deformed face. Due to some genetic trait, the youngster was born with many medial issues and has undergone 27 surgeries to make him inch toward being normal. He has a close-knit family, with a loving mother and father a slightly older sister. His world is about to radically change, because mom will no longer home-school the boy and he will attend fifth grade with all other kids his age. It will be a world of ‘Wonder’.

Auggie Pullman (Jacob Tremblay) is the boy with a medically-corrected face and a huge heart. Isabel (Julia Roberts) is his mom and will no longer put her life on hold to home-school Auggie. She was close to getting a Master’s degree and wants to pursue that once more. His dad, Nate (Owen Wilson) is always very supportive, but he knows to let mom have her way. His sister Olivia (Izabela Vidovic) – called Via – is about to start high school. So, there are many changes in the Pullman household.

Auggie is very shy and awkward with people that he meets. They usually stare at him because of his face, and knows it make them uncomfortable. He tries to downplay that it makes him feel a little weird about himself, because he wants to expand his world. He normally loves to run around with a space helmet and pretend he is an astronaut, because that makes him feel better. But when he goes to school, he will need to fend for himself. He meets the principal named Mr. Tushman (Mandy Patinkin). There is also a kid in his class that seems to like him named Jack Will (Noah Jupe). But there will also be some people there who will snub Auggie and some who will bully him.


The movie follows the school year for Auggie and for Via. They both have some challenges, but then they both meet some new good friends. For Auggie, there is the new routine of a middle-school, and for Via it is learning to branch out into theater and a new romance. Their time in school has its ups and downs, but with help from mom and dad, they seem to work out the issues. There is a school play, a science fair, an overnight field trip – all the usual things to school-age kids. The most troubling event that happens is when the family dog gets ill.


Each of the main characters gets a little mini-chapter in the movie, where they get to tell more of what they think of the whole thing. It works out ok for most of the characters, even when it retreads a couple of scenes over and over (from a different perspective). There is no great revelation, other than to choose to ‘be kind’.  There are some valiant attempts to give this movie more meaning than just a different type of kid that goes to a new school.

But this resembles the 1985 movie “Mask” which was a true story of a young boy with a similar problem. That movie did a good job to make an awkward kid feel ok about a facial deformity. It turned out to be very popular and won quite a few awards. So perhaps “Wonder” is destined to join in that exclusive club. But it will all depend on the acting and the story. In this case, the acting is superb, but the story is very ho-hum.

Jacob Tremblay and Noah Jupe (in a smaller role) are both incredibly good in their roles. Tremblay has the added weight of facial prosthetics to give him the look of Auggie. But they are terrific in this movie and make a very good impression. Izabela Vidovic as Via also does a great job to play the sister that tends to be ignored by mom and dad always giving time to the younger, sicker brother. Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson do a fine job as the mom and dad, but their story is not one that is front and center. Mandy Patinkin plays his role like a favorite uncle at a family reunion.

The biggest issue is that there is not all that much going on. The movie stretches over a year period, but the characters do not seem to grow at all. There is no big hurdle to get over, nor any major issue to tackle. It is all just there, going on from one day to the next. The level of bullying is not all that major, and the difficulties adjusting to the new school come and go quickly. So there is not any tension built up or any big outcome that you look forward to…