Mountain Film Review

BAFTA-nominated director, Jennifer Peedom, follows up her film about an angry mob fighting on Everest called ‘Sherpa’ with ‘Mountain’ which keeps us looking in a more positive direction. This film starts impressively with the Australian Chamber Orchestra setting up in front of a screen that begins to play the film. They play along with the movie. It’s synched perfectly which is such a good way to prepare you for the beauty you’re about to witness. Surprisingly, not only does the Orchestra lead you into the story but it stays there the entire time, caressing your ears with breathtaking notes while the screen cradles your eyes visually. Now, one cannot exist without the other; it’s mystifying how well the two go hand in hand.

These mountains do put those who climb them into precarious situations at times but how each circumstance is captured is shocking and or awe-inspiring. One might think the people who are drawn to reach the summit of a mountain mad for not feeling at home at or near the base but it’s not for us to decide who and what is in the hearts of others. The film, with Willem Dafoe as narrator, explores why people are driven to new heights and when it all began. It makes for an appealing subject whether you would have first thought so or not.

Mountains were once considered either hostile or holy there was no middle ground. That changed as people got more familiar with them and more daring. Though people created new ways to soar they never gave up on the introspection and high they achieved when tackling some of their deepest fears… ocean depths, outer space and mountains. One by one the mountains were conquered and some, sadly, turned into tourist traps, for a limited base. Here, you’ll see it all happen along with eye-opening before and after photos of mountains being cleared for play. However, nothing is more surprising to see than the downfall of Everest, the king of all. What I mean by downfall is that of its mystery and of its allure. You’ll see footage of what goes on there, especially at night, and it’ll leave you to wonder if there’s anything left in this world to pursue or since it has been reached, will man ever be satisfied and leave nature be?

The narration is deep and profound, informing as it entertains. It asks what is the ‘siren song of the summit’ that moves us upward? We’re told that fascination replaced fear and skyward we climbed. This abundant planet that we call home offers delights that some feel necessary to explore while others want only to protect it from harm.

From the filmmaker’s curiosity comes this enchanting and gripping footage which stretches beyond the expectations of any documentary of its kind. Aching fingers, soaring bodies, bikes riding trails where bikes should not be, men sleeping where there is no air; it’s exceptional to witness and you get to watch it all without packing your bags.

If you go see this you will not be let down… you’ll only be propelled up. Please, do yourself a favor when watching. You must be seen on the big screen. Watching at home would not do it the justice it deserves.

See this in Phoenix at *Harkins Shea 14

Adrift Movie Review

“Adrift” is a harrowing tale of survival at sea after a massive hurricane wreaks havoc on a small sailboat. In 1983 there was Raymond, a hurricane in the Pacific that set two people adrift in the ocean with little chance to survive. The story of this against-all-odds journey is what makes “Adrift” ‘see’ worthy. All puns aside, this is a cross between the movies “The Perfect Storm”, “Cast Away” and “All Is Lost”. But there is a deep sense of love that is the driving force in this movie, and it calls out for careful viewing.

Tami Oldham (Shailene Woodley) is adrift in her own life, travelling around the Pacific and winding up in Tahiti. She meets a man with a fine sailboat. He is Richard Sharp (Sam Claflin) and the two of them fall in love. Tami has no need to head home back to San Diego, but when an older couple offer Richard the opportunity to take their sailboat back – he must take that offer. There will be a nice payoff and a couple of first-class tickets back to Tahiti so that the two of them can start on their own adventures. Richard and Tami get everything ready for the journey out to sea.

It is all going so well, until Mother Nature intrudes and brings along hurricane Raymond. It is a monster of a storm and it rips the boat from stem to stern. The main sail is gone, and the radio is dead and there is precious little food and water. Tami wakes up in a panic. She was knocked out by the storm, and she cannot find Richard. Later, she sees that he is clinging to a lifeboat, and she swims out and drags him in. But things are not in good shape, as his ribs are broken and his leg is shattered. Even if she conserves all the food and water, there will not be enough.

They have no method to sail fast enough with just a small jib sail, so getting back to the States is impossible. She decides to change course and attempt to sail to Hawaii. But that will also take a great deal of time and it is also very risky. Tami is not an experienced sailor, but with encouragement from Richard, she is able to adjust the course and track the progress of the ship. But many days at sea can cause very weird things to happen, delusions and hallucinations are all too common. Tami thinks she sees a huge cargo vessel go right past her in the night, but she then thinks it was just a dream. Every past encounter with Richard is recalled and she thinks of all the love that they have, and it pushes her on to survive and make it out of this disaster. Richard will be her touchstone and her reason to overcome the obstacles.

There is a point in the movie that will redefine most everything that came before it, and it would be wrong to say too much. But the way the story moves up to that point, and the acting of the two lead characters just do a beautiful job to make it a very emotional moment. The writing does a great job to unfold the history of Tami and Richard’s love, and how they came to be soul mates. Shailene Woodley is very moving as Tami, with an emphasis on how this character grows into a much more capable and self-reliant being. Her soulful looks and painful eyes show that she is deeply affected by the trip. Sam Claflin is close to her equal, but his role is much more limited due to the difficulties that Richard has during the movie. Together, they make a very tragic couple, who can turn it all around and can find triumph.

The difficulties portrayed in “Adrift” are brutal, and look very realistic. You get a feeling that, at any point, the situation could change and become unbearable. But there are single moments that Tami clings to: an unexpected rain shower that brings much needed fresh water, the sky in the evening as the sun sets and how it lights up the clouds with so many tints of red, the bird that comes to perch on the deck – showing that land is nearby. These all make for mosaic that tacks left and right, into misery and then into beauty.

The love that Tami and Richard shared fueled the passion for survival that finally brought the crew in for a rescue. The overall story is sad, but there is another story of hope and struggle that shows how people can face adversity and come out on top.

Troll, Inc. Movie Review

“Troll, Inc.” is a case study of how the online experts in cracking and hacking systems are treated like modern-day terrorists. There are groups of elite hackers who know all of the insecure weak points on the Internet, and then they know how to kick open the door and cause havoc. One such person is Andrew Auernheimer, who goes by the online handle ‘weev’. What he did in 2010 is what can be called either a wake-up call to a large company, or a large-scale attempt at computer sabotage and extortion.

There are some computer experts who can find web site exploits and they inform the company in charge. These are sometimes called ‘white-hat hackers’. But there are other people who can locate some of the same security flaws, and they steal lots of valuable information. These are known as “black-hat crackers”. These people are in for a profit, or just to mess up a company real bad. But sometime there is a person in the middle, a guy like Andrew Auernheimer. He can find out about a flaw and he can set up a way to ‘obtain’ over one-hundred thousand valid e-mail addresses.

In this case, it was 2010 and Apple had just released the iPad. Apple had partnered with AT&T to be the data provider for the iPad product. To make it super easy to sue, the security was minimal. That was a selling feature. It also opened up a door to allow Auernheimer to capture all the e-mail addresses that people used to sign up for the data service. There were many celebrities, military and academics in this huge list of addresses. He contacted Apple and AT&T, but neither was interested. So ‘weev’ did the next logical thing (for him). He dumped all of the data  out on the open Internet, mostly to shame the companies.

But the Justice Department and the FBI were not amused. They found out that Andrew Auernheimer was pretty much the guy behind that massive ‘data breach’. But AT&T even agreed in internal e-mails that the security was so poor that it was not really a criminal event. Regardless, Auernheimer was treated like a data terrorist, and he was  pursued for years and then arrested,  before the eventual trail and conviction. He has a bit of an anarchist streak, and he basically told the court where to go and what they could do there. So the ruling came down pretty hard on him.

There was a successful appeal, and Andrew Auernheimer eventually had the conviction overruled. It was a technicality on where the trail was held, no on if he was innocent. So the thing that he did was not excused, but he was free once again. He decided to get better results elsewhere so now he lives overseas. Plus he is in a country that will never be extradited back to a USA prison anytime soon.

“Troll, Inc” is a short but to-the-point documentary about this event and this man. There are plenty of ‘talking head’ interviews with professors and other “white-hat hackers”, plus a handful of people who helped with the ‘involuntary email address extraction’ process. There are plenty of talks with Auernheimer, also. He gives his side of the story. He explains that he has no love for companies that have no idea about how important security is for keeping the public’s data safe and locked up.

So, when he could, he would make the company feel they were the butt of a huge practical joke. But that joke was not funny and the tables got turned on him.

First Reformed Movie Review

Okay. It starts slow but, if you’ve read my reviews before, you might know what I’m about to say… stick with it. It’s slow for a reason and that’s okay! You can’t rush art. ‘First Reformed’ is simply one of the best pictures of the year. It has been created for us for a reason. One of Hollywood’s best, Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver; American Gigolo; Affliction), has decided to make something quite exceptional that will last beyond his years. It’ll be memorable because he knew what he wanted to say and purposely set out to grab you and shake you up. You won’t soon forget what you see which, of course, is the point… he doesn’t want you to forget anything about it as it’s vital you don’t. It’s a narrative but holds so much truth and knowledge that you feel as if you’re getting schooled at the same time, but not so much so that you won’t feel the storyline that’s being playing out. Everything was well designed.


‘Will God Forgive Us?’ is a question that is posed in the film with regard to what man is doing to the environment. You don’t see this as the ultimate message coming at you when you’re first introduced to the character of Reverend Toller (Hawke) but when he agrees to counsel Michael (Ettinger) the husband of a young pregnant woman, Mary (Seyfried), Toller grows as a priest and as a man in ways he couldn’t avoid and the film changes. What Toller always knew to be true of institutions he holds in high regard comes crashing down around him when he, instead of talking, listens to what Michael is saying about man’s responsibilities toward the larger picture; Earth. Schrader set it up so you won’t miss it either.


Toller is the Reverend of a small church known more for its historical significance as being a stop along the Underground Railroad rather than its parishioners, so he finds himself salesman of its small store, more than Priest, and he’s rather bored. He journals and sips on what’s supposed to go in the chalice on Sunday’s. Counseling is an escape and he’s happy to do it but when suicide becomes Michael’s only answer to his extreme hate for living in such a cruel world, Toller picks up his cause.


Abundant Life, the larger church that keeps Toller’s afloat, is putting on a show to commemorate its being there for 250 years. Abundant Life is run by Pastor Jeffers, played exceptionally well by Cedric the Entertainer, who preaches the word of God but who cares more about what goes into the collection plate. When Toller looks into Michaels environmental research, he finds out that one of the biggest polluters of the planet sponsors Abundant Life, even the restoration of his own church, and he makes a vow to fix things. Feeling as if he failed the activist, he then becomes the activist and decides to do something for God and all mankind… as God would have wanted. Though Schrader doesn’t refer to Trump and what the head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, is doing to actually stop environmental causes, rather than increase or protect them, you can feel his concern for the near future of man as a species and he wants you to see what people are willing to do to save the only home we have. We all need to do more.


‘First Reformed’ is heavy on the religion but for a reason. Trust that Schrader must use this as a vehicle to get you to a certain destination… even though a few times you’re not sure where he’s going. Things go a might askew when Toller seems to be building a relationship with Mary, but it’s done in a way that, as an audience member, you can choose to see it or totally ignore it and stay within the spirit of the calculated directive. Ethan Hawke has you so mesmerized by the time you hit the halfway point that it’s easy to stay focused on the importance of the film’s objective.

Always At The Carlyle Movie Review

At the corner of Madison Avenue and 76th Street in Manhattan’s Upper East Side sits an exquisite and beautiful Rosewood hotel called The Carlyle, which has been described as the very definition of class. It’s a 35-story, 190 room hotel that has been there since 1930, complete with galleries, boutiques, and a famous Café’. The Carlyle has housed many of the most famous and well-off clientele from around the world who feel comfortable there, knowing that what goes on in the hotel stays at the hotel. In this documentary, director Matthew Miele does his best to get some private information out of people and though he has a hard time getting staff and other guests to give anything up, the goal he does achieve is letting us know of the existence of this distinguished landmark. While many of us can’t afford thousands of dollars to reserve a room at the elegant Carlyle, after watching this documentary I wish I could and you will, too.

I feel compelled to tell you that watching this on the big screen would be ideal for it may be the best way to appropriately appreciate its grandeur. If you can’t be there, this is the next best thing. Through watching ‘Always at the Carlyle’ you’ll be totally awestruck by what an exceptional experience staying there would be without stepping one foot inside its lobby.

Miele interviewed entertainers about the hotel who’ve stayed within its walls, as well as other ‘Loyal Guests’ and peppers their comments throughout the film. Some speak so highly of it and spend enough time there that it’s considered their second home. All throughout the hotel are magical reasons to stay, from dining to the personal touches they give each guest. Then there are the paintings that hang on the walls and the nostalgia one has for who stayed there previously such as Princess Diana, Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor and more. Some mention the energy each guest has left behind in their wake. The Carlyle is popular with famous guests of all types; Royals, those involved in the film industry, politicians, and sports figures, because most important to the guests is that whatever is said or done there stays there. JFK often stayed, and it’s rumored that Marilyn Monroe had a special way in. True or not true… what’s your opinion?

The Elevator Operator is said to have the best stories as they see everything going on, but they also have the ‘tightest lips,’ so you won’t learn anything from them! This is a key argument for paying such high prices, not to mention the luxurious surroundings you’re bathed in. Regardless of who’s on duty when someone checks in, the staff will not divulge their presence to anyone, not even their own spouse. With so many famous people walking through their doors, the staff does get blown away, they are human after all, but they don’t show it outwardly. They do seem to have some fun getting to talk about who they’ve seen for the documentary, however. They reveal very little but what is said is both fascinating and provocative.

Several staff members have become somewhat famous themselves. Dwight, a departing concierge at the time this was filmed, is one such example, very well known. Another is pianist and cabaret singer, Bobby Short, who played at the Café Carlyle for over thirty-five years. Bobby Short not only had an appearance in Woody Allen’s ‘Hannah and Her Sisters’ in 1986, but Allen used Short’s version of the song ‘I Happen to Like New York,’ which is excellent by the way, for the opening to his film ‘Manhattan Murder Mystery’ in 1993. Several talented musicians speak of how much they adored his music stylings, some of whom play there now. Lenny Kravitz tells of how much he was influenced by the man.

Possibly not surprisingly, Donald Trump says the Carlyle is a joke. This is a comment Bill Murray has a little fun with as he happens to love the place and feels obliged to protect it. Others, and there are many, have only positive things to say. Vera Wang mentions how unique it is, George Clooney can’t help but go on and on about how much he loves it there and why wouldn’t he? He is a staff favorite and knows it. He and Anthony Bourdain talk about the rooms breathtaking views but one of it’s biggest compliments comes from Jon Hamm who says when you’re there it, ‘feels like you made it.’ Piers Morgan covers the monarchy and fills us in on how loved it is by the palace, calling it a royal place which makes sense as the builder of the hotel built it to rival the glorious, stately hotels of Europe.

This is a special documentary. I recommend it because it’s not often you get to see celebrities talk about something other than their latest projects. Here we also have, before she died, Elaine Stritch, a legend, talking about how wonderful it was to stay there. Watch for a special scene during the credits regarding what the hotel did for her. The examples of extraordinary service this establishment delivers that are shown in this film, are enchanting. Shots of the building in the gorgeous New York Skyline will make you wish upon a star that you could be whisked away to a room there during any time period and get a chance to experience just a hint of what the well to do have… if even for a moment. Wes Anderson describes being at the Carlyle as though you’re, ‘Stepping back in time.’ One guest has had over 11,000 overnight stays, a record for which he carries as a ‘Badge of Honor.’ See the film at a theatre near you today to see what they’re all talking about.

Opens in Phoenix this weekend at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre and the Harkins / Shea.

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For more information please visit the Carlyle’s website or follow the hotel’s social media channels

@TheCarlyleHotel – Instagram,Twitter and Facebook

Solo: A Star Wars Story Movie Review

‘Star Wars’ fan? You gotta see this. Period. I know some fans weren’t happy about Ron Howard replacing the original directors of the film, the team of longtime friends, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (‘Lego Movie,’ ‘21 Jump Street’), and it caused quite a ruckus but, in my opinion, for no reason. Ron Howard may not be known for his action pictures but watch ‘Rush,’ ‘Apollo 13’ and ‘Backdraft’ for examples of how he handles action sequences in film if you’re concerned about his abilities. What’s so good about Howard getting to helm the project is that he doesn’t only count on action to dazzle you but ensnares you by giving the story depth. He does this with familiar images, language and even tones to set the mood and take you back to when you were first introduced to the characters and their world. I’m inclined to think some audience members won’t like the film no matter who directs, for the simple fact that Harrison Ford is Han Solo and Alden Ehrenreich is not. While I realize it’s hard to see anyone else as the captain of the Millenium Falcon, I resisted the urge to automatically dislike the thought of seeing this prequel and went on to enjoy the film for what it offered, not what and who it doesn’t offer. You should, too. For what it’s worth, Ehrenreich plays a magnificent Han Solo. He even looks like him a few times, too.

Here, Han lives a miserable life and being that he’s a young man, has decided that life as a slave to the man isn’t for him. Where he’s from is a dark and dismal existence and he has learned to do whatever it takes, break any laws, to survive. This comes in handy when he decides he’s going to change the course his life is on and leave to become a pilot for the Imperial Army. Of course, slaves don’t decide what they get to do or when so, mind made up, he grabs his pretty but tough girlfriend Q’ira (Clarke) and they make a run for it. Their determination gets them to a not so friendly checkpoint but as you’d expect something happens to make Han the man he becomes. He makes it through… she does not. She encourages him to continue without her which he does, vowing to return to save her.

Later, after making it into the Army and getting to fly for it, but still having dreams of being the ‘good guy,’ he meets Beckett (Harrelson) and Val (Newton) who just happen to need a good pilot. This gets him away from his current situation and one step closer to getting back to Q’ira. Up to this point, the movie was a little slow but the pacing picks up when they need Han’s help for a fuel theft.

With a large weight on top of them, Ron Howard and the writing team of Jonathan and Lawrence Kasdan manage to meet your expectations based on what you’ve always known from the franchise and its characters. They take great pain to include signature lines and memorable situations as ‘The Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs.’ Doing this includes you in on the joke from where it originally derived. Very smart. They show their audience how Han first meets Chewbacca (Suotamo) which is entertaining and comical. There are many other goodies peppered throughout the script for you to treasure.

I will admit that the creation of Han’s last name is rather lame, but it doesn’t compare to how bad the suggestion is that Lando Calrissian is having some sort of relationship with his robot L3. That won’t stop you from loving his character, however.

The graphics and cinematography more than make up for the few things you’ll find wrong with the script, which you’ll only locate when hunting with a fanboy lens, instead of just having fun in a movie because it’s good. When looking closely, what you should find is a message warning of how horribly life can change when under evil leaders instead of whether or not Howard is worthy of the brand because, his ability to mix dramatic nuance with comedy and action, it’s clear that he is. And, unlike before I saw this, I’m very much looking forward to this storyline continuing.

On Chesil Beach Movie Review

“On Chesil Beach” examines the idea that you can be truly, madly, deeply in love someone, yet you cannot make love to that someone. Ian McEwan, who had previously written the novel “Atonement”, takes this idea to a sad conclusion in his screenplay – based on his short novel of the same name. Set in the early sixties in England, a young couple is enamored with each other, yet a happy marriage is not to be. England is still closer to the Victorian Age than it is to the Free Love Swingin’ Sixties.  At least, it is for these two…

Edward Mayhew (Billy Howle) is a young college graduate in 1962, and he is ready to take on the world. But he is looked on as a commoner, with a father who is school administrator and a mother who is not all there.  His family is not rich and well-regarded. So when Edward meets Florence Ponting (Saoirse Ronan), he becomes smitten with her good looks and charm. She has family ties into money and prestige, but Florence is not concerned with such things. They have a long courting period to see if they are compatible in personality and demeanor.

The one thing that they did not check into is whether they had a problem with physical intimacy. It is not until after the marriage ceremony and at the honeymoon suite do they find troubled waters in the sea of love. Florence has always been uncomfortable with physical touch, and she might have been abused by her father. Edward is unsure of the proper rate with which he should take Florence into the tunnel of love, because his past experience is.. none. He is pretty reserved when it comes to sexuality, but Florence is a big, fat Frigidaire freezer.

They go to honeymoon at a nice hotel near Chesil Beach. After an awkward dinner the two lovebirds shoo away the waiters from the room. Then they get to the main business, of having major flashbacks to they story of them meeting, and the courtship and the final decision to marry. But when the time is right to do the horizontal mambo, neither one is prepared for the farce that is their attempt at making love. Florence becomes incredibly upset at Edward and storms out of the room. For Edward, nothing went right and his paratroopers missed the landing zone. His embarrassment and her shame take an event that should solidify the marriage and it gets turned to a gallows on which the marriage is taken out and hung.

The two are at odds from this point on, based on misunderstandings and lack of knowledge. He finds her out on Chesil Beach, where she has walked in an effort to get away. But neither one knows what the other is thinking. They just assume that the marriage will never have another chance to be consummated. They can find no possible way to put this one incident behind them, and it changes the direction of their lives.

Florence has a string quartet that she leads, and she will put all of her time into that. Edward will do whatever he can do to get by. But then some tacked-on ending which brings Edward and Florence out of 1962 and into 1975, and then into 2007 just changes the mood. It goes from being “On Chesil Beach” to a reverse mirror of “On Golden Pond”. But in this case, the old-age make-up looks awful and pulls you out of the touching, yet tragic, story that has just transpired.

This movie has created another vehicle in which Saoirse Ronan can use to display her incredible acting skills. Billy Howle is also top-notch in his performance, being an equal to Ronan. But the story has such a roundabout method of getting to the moment of truth that some audience members might walk away like Edward – unfulfilled.

In the Phoenix area. opens at the Camelview in Scottsdale

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Solo: A Star Wars Story Movie Review

At last, there is now going to be a “Star Wars” movie that will delve into the origins and back-story of one of the series most favorite characters. This is a guy who is a mysterious loner with a just a hint of being a scoundrel. You know who I mean — Boba Fett. No wait, it’s not about the Fett-meiseter? It’s about Han Solo? Oh well, here is a new Star Wars movie about one of the original good guys…

Back in the first “Star Wars” (some people want to rename to “A New Hope” – fat chance!), there was smuggler and rogue who was the self-proclaimed best pilot in the universe. Han Solo was at home in a “wretched hive of scum and villainy” on the planet Tatooine where he could shoot first at Greedo. His co-pilot Chewbacca was a big walking carpet of a Wookie who is Han’s best friend and defender. But how did these two get started, and what the heck is a Kessel Run, you ask?

Back in earlier times, Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) was scraping around for a living with a fellow survivor named Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke). They both try to escape, and only Han makes it. He meets a con man named Tobias Beckett (Woody Harrelson) and his crew. Beckett makes a living taking other people’s stuff. Han meets up with a very hairy Wookie named Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) who first wants to fight him, but soon figures out that they both want to get out of a bad place. They join up with Beckett, but a major job goes very wrong. There is a major gangster to whom Beckett owes a great deal of money, and now he is very short. Han comes up with his own idea of how to fix that. Plus he finds that Qi’ra, whom Han thought was missing forever, was working for the crime boss, Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany).

But they need a fast ship, and Beckett knows just the man. He is a rogue smuggler and gambler named Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover). Lando has nice little ship called Millennium Falcon, which is the fastest around and good for moving contraband. Han and Chewy meet up with Lando, and Han tries to win the Falcon on the card table. Lando wins, but he wants in on the new heist. Han, Lando, Chewy and Beckett all go to a planet with resources, where they turn it into special fuel. It they can get the fuel back to Dryden Vos, thru the Kessel system, all within 12 parsecs – then you have new catch-phrase right there.

But which side is Beckett really on, and will Qi’ra still have any deep feelings for Han? Will the Rebel alliance on that little planet have any chance to get the help they need, or will Han keep only to himself? Are there any people who actually need to be shot first? Well, stick around and this movie will help you get the answers that you need. Maybe you did not know those answers before, but it would be more than enjoyable to learn them with this crew. Basically a space-based Western, with holdups, train robberies and outposts in the desert, this movie gets Han to wear a white hat in the end.

Alden Ehrenreich has a good deal of charm when he is playing Han. Woody Harrelson is a nice addition as a dubious mentor for the young Han. Donald Glover then really shines as Lando, and gets the most mileage out of the hot-shot gambler. Emilia Clarke and Paul Bettany play their roles OK, and Joonas Suotamo is really fun as everyone’s favorite Wookie.

Ron Howard deserves credit for taking over the duties for directing this movie, after it had gone a bit off track. But using the screenplay from Lawrence Kasdan (writer of some really fine Star Wars movies) and co-written with his son Jonathan, there is a good foundation for the film. And of John Powell comes through with the soundtrack, especially when he reuses a couple classic themes from John Williams.

So, the only thing left to say is – when that Boba Fett movie coming out?

Beast Movie Review

There’s a course tone running through ‘Beast’ that you can’t turn away from. It’s intriguing from the get-go as you look over the beautiful yet blustery and chilly island that is the home of our players in the drama. For his feature debut, television director, Michael Pearce, brings to life the story of a young woman yearning to be free of her mother and her rules by any means necessary, even if it means accepting the heart of a possible serial killer. There’s something alluring about a bad boy and, as most films do, Pearce and company take advantage of this. What will the characters learn from one another and how will it be different… if this is possible?  Moll (Buckley) is frustrated that her family puts her last, even on her birthday, and hooks up with a mysterious stranger who sees her, touches her and stands up for her when she is having trouble breaking free of another man’s unwelcome advances.

Pascal (Flynn) wiggles his way into Moll’s heart by deeply, almost hypnotically staring into her eyes, penetrating the very core of her, something she’s clearly unfamiliar with. He approaches her slowly and lets her know he’ll accept her for who she is no matter who he might find.

Pascal isn’t the most hygienic of people, something her mother immediately disapproves of. Being used as babysitter for her niece and caregiver to her ill father, it’s time for Moll to fight for a little independence which she does. She invites him for dinner. During dinner, they discuss the murders of young girls that have been happening in the area. It’s not hard to tell at this point who the film is suggesting the murderer is. Pascal hunts rabbits and though you’re sure of who that the killer is, it’s in a scene where they go hunting together that the line between the two quite solidly blurs.
He’s told that Moll has been labeled the ‘wild one’ so he inquires as to exactly why. She confesses to him that she stabbed a student with scissors who had bullied her when she was in school and after had to be homeschooled. She has held onto the pain and stigma that came along with the incident ever since. His advice to her is to stop carrying the weight of her action and to move on. This releases her of a decade of guilt and shame and as her relationships with family members strain, she feels closer to him than she ever has to anyone.

Feeling compelled to help the community in some way, she joins volunteers to sweep for the body of the killers next victim. Similar to the guidance she was given by Pascal, this action helps cleanse her and we see that Moll begins to find her own identity. She has a choice, a voice and feels much freer. Ignoring signs of who he might be when the police come calling, she’s reluctant to speak to them. When they inquire as to both his and her whereabouts on a certain night, she’s headstrong and refuses to speak with them further. The people in town know she can finger him and her noncompliance sets off a chain reaction of overwhelming disgust toward her that she can’t escape no matter where she turns.

Why won’t she help with the investigation? Who is she? Who is Pascal? What happens next? Watch it to find out! Outside of a few times when the accents are too thick to understand and a poor bunny getting massacred, (Seriously, if you love animals, turn away!) ‘Beast’ is exhilarating and quite clever. Its pacing fits the storyline and on occasion, you’ll wonder if you’re not watching a horror film rather than a drama. If Intense and Well Done is your idea of entertainment, see it at a theatre near you this weekend.

In Phoenix, see this at Harkins Camelview at Fashion Square!!! 

Dark Crimes Movie Review

‘Dark Crimes’ is a thriller by Alexandros Avranas a young director with only five credits to his name. With this and Carrey’s exceptional performance, those five will soon be a thing of the past. The film marks Jim Carrey’s return to the screen after the unremarkable, ‘Dumb and Dumber To’ received a collective thumbs down from audiences everywhere. Pulling away from the genre, ‘Dark Crimes’ is in no way similar to the comedic roles he’s known for. With this project Carrey has chosen for himself an incredibly persecuted soul in his character, Tadek, to show us that he’s more than just a jester here for our amusement.

Tadek wants to reopen an investigation into the sex crimes and unsolved murder of a businessman that he had previously been involved in. While learning what that investigation is about, the film gets sinister fast. It starts rather brutally in a world most believe, unfortunately, exists somewhere. One where young women are imprisoned, raped and tortured for men’s pleasure. This life goes on in the dark, in secret, behind thick walls and gates. This investigation takes us into what is known as ‘The Cage’ as he wanders through it. He’s sickened by the cold, dark, foul-smelling conditions the girls had been, until no longer desired, housed in.

‘The Cage’ has since been shut down but there are tapes the owner of the building has that come in useful. Tadek finds that not only are videotapes of the goings on in such a despicable place helpful but he stumbles across the details in a book by author Krystov Kozlow (Csokas) that exactly outline everything he is investigating… right down to how the body is tied up, information previously unreleased to the public.

His mission now? To link Kozlow to the murder that he’s certain he committed. Tadek listens to an author read audiobook every moment he can. In the book, Kozlow details what goes on in sex-clubs stating that there were no rules. You could beat the girl’s half to death if you wanted but you’re not to kill them because though the girls understood that rape was just a transaction, ‘Corpses didn’t look good in makeup.’

There’s a scene about halfway through the film where Tadek and Kozlow go head to head that reveals Carrey’s depth. The two are playing mind games, both eager to show the other that they’re the strongest bull in the pen. Through the introduction of Kasia (Gainsbourg), who is also Kozlow’s girlfriend, it’s exposed that Tadek has some inner demons he’s never let escape. It’s here where the audience is given a glimpse into, though he’s disgusted by Kozlow more and more, how similar the two men might be. Getting rid of Kozlow may bury his own personal hellion or will it unleash it?

In the end, we find that Tadek and the audience is played from several different directions. Though it’s slow and its lighting is as dark as the story, if you’re a fan of thrillers and of Carrey’s, it’s worth seeing. Pay close attention because instead of quickly paced three to five-second cuts, Avranas has you watch a story unfold using plenty of dialogue and close-ups. Often times it’s not exactly clear as to what’s going on so be sure your mind doesn’t wander and you’ll be able to keep up. I must also mention that ‘Dark Crimes’ has a great ending that, in fact, made me clap. Well done, Avranas. I’m looking forward to more of your work.


*In Phoenix, watch it exclusively at AMC Arizona Center and EVERYWHERE On Demand!