80 For Brady Movie Review

As you most likely know already, the title “80 For Brady” is in regards to the age of the women who love them some Tom Brady. In Betty’s (Field) case, it’s 70 for Brady, not that it matters. That said, she does make a point of putting it on her jersey to let everyone know that she’s the baby of the bunch.


Sally Field (76), Jane Fonda (85), Lily Tomlin (83) and a fabulous Rita Moreno (91) will have the audience doing calculations in their heads. If this is how the eighties and nineties look, what need is there to worry? Each of these actresses looks fantastic and does a remarkable job of entertaining you as they run around trying to get tickets to the Patriot’s Superbowl game against the Atlanta Falcons. It’s not like they have forever, so why not go and support their team… their man?


Yes, you can tell work has been done to some faces, especially Jane Fonda’s (Trish), but why not? There’s a scene where Fonda’s Trish removes her wig, showing us what she looks like underneath, so getting work done isn’t conceit. Getting a lift here and there helps you to see better and assists in feeling better about yourself. Work or not, these gals have that going for them, that’s for sure. They have a crazy amount of get-up-and-go. They know what they want and nothing will stop them from getting it.

As many football fans do, the girls have a tradition that they all must be in certain positions at the start of the game. Superstition is big. At the beginning of the film, the beginning of the game, they all get into position. One was on a ladder, and one was spilling the bowl of chips. They prepare and do exactly what they did before. Hey. If it worked once, it’d work again without fail, am I right? I don’t think so, but fans hold onto anything they can get. Die-hard fans of the Patriots will love having these four women, masterminds of their craft, in one film rooting for their team. And they’re lovely together. I wish it were my team they were shouting over.


The movie gets ridiculous, but it’s all in fun. Watch with mom; she’ll enjoy it, especially if she digs the game.

Lou (Tomlin) is ill and ensures the foursome gets to the big game. While there, Betty wins Guy Fieri’s hot wing eating contest, Lou tosses footballs against people half her age and procures a lot of Falcons jerseys, making Atlanta fans where Patriots garb and Maura (Moreno) hopes for an “Eyes Wide Shut” moment, yet finds herself in a winning game of Texas Hold ‘Em where she meets the fabulous Billy Porter. His character is a blast, especially during a dance routine you have to see.


This movie is so cute. There’s a lot of silliness, plenty of shenanigans and lot of sexual innuendoes, especially when it comes to Gronk. His scene is absurd but comical. For football fans, they’ve included a lot of exciting footage. If you’re dragged to see this and don’t think you’ll like it but like sports, you’ll enjoy this aspect of the film. See this but don’t take it seriously. These actors deserve an audience who wants to see them have some fun, not pick the movie apart like it’s supposed to be Oscar-worthy. It’s an amusing story and that’s how you’ll see it if you let yourself.

80 For Brady  

WRITTEN BY:  Sarah Haskins & Emily Halpern

DIRECTED BY: Kyle Marvin

STARRING: Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno, Sally Field, Tom Brady, Billy Porter,

Rob Corddry, Alex Moffat, Guy Fieri, Harry Hamlin, Bob Balaban, Glynn Turman,

Sara Gilbert

Run Time: 1h 38m
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Sport



tmc.io contributor: ShariK.Green tmc

I'm the Sr. Film Writer and Community Manager for tmc.io. I write, direct and produce short films with my production company, Good Stew Productions. Though it's difficult to answer this question when asked, I'd say my favorite movie is “The Big Chill.” I enjoy photography, poetry, and hiking and I adore animals, especially elephants. I live in Arizona and feel it's an outstanding and inspirational place to live.

Critics Group: Phoenix Critics Society

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