The Storms of Jeremy Thomas Trailer

This looks fantastic! Join filmmaker Mark Cousins (The Story of Film: An Odyssey and A New Generation) on a road trip to Cannes Film Festival and through film history, chronicling legendary producer Jeremy Thomas’s indelible contribution to cinema. 


Writer/Director: Mark Cousins
Starring: Jeremy Thomas, Debra Winger, Tilda Swinton

Runtime: 1h 34m
Genre: Documentary

  • Distributor: Cohen Media Group

Scottsdale, AZ // Landmark Scottsdale Quarter Theatre 10/29/2023.



For decades, legendary film producer Jeremy Thomas has driven from England to the Cannes Film Festival. This time, he’s joined by acclaimed filmmaker Mark Cousins.

On their intimate, visual five-day road movie through rural France, they remember some of the most acclaimed and controversial films ever made: The Last Emperor, which won nine Oscars for Thomas when he was still in his 30s, including Best Picture; David Cronenberg’s Crash and its Cannes scandal; the masterpiece of sexual obsession, Bad Timing.


Thomas introduces us to his remarkable world of movie stars–Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, David Bowie–and daring international cinema, influenced by punk and counter-culture. The journey is intercut with acclaimed actors Tilda Swinton and Debra Winger, who give exclusive insights into the man and his work.

Illustrated with a dazzling range of film clips and rich in insights about creativity and survival, The Storms of Jeremy Thomas is a road movie portrait of France, a film school, and–in the era of streaming and corporatization–a passionate call to arms for movies that get to the heart of life. contributor: ShariK.Green tmc

I'm the Sr. Film Writer and Community Manager for I write, direct and produce short films with my production company, Good Stew Productions. Though it's difficult to answer this question when asked, I'd say my favorite movie is “The Big Chill.” I enjoy photography, poetry, and hiking and I adore animals, especially elephants. I live in Arizona and feel it's an outstanding and inspirational place to live.

Critics Group: Phoenix Critics Society

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