Oh, My Goodness!

Oh, My Goodness! Movie review

“Oh, My Goodness!” is the English translation of the original French title. This whimsical comedy is about a poor convent of nuns in a small French village. The sisters want to make major improvements to a nearby home for the elderly. But how can these women of the cloth raise money to refurbish the old-folks home? But winning the local mountainside bicycle race – of course!



In a quaint French countryside village, in the St. Benedict abbey — the head nun of the abbey is Mother Veronique (played by Valérie Bonneton). She is there with some interesting characters, other nuns in the order – and one wanting to join in. It is quiet and sleepy part of the country, where not much though is given to the small group of “Poor Clare sisters” who live there.


Sister Bernadette (played by Claire Nadeau) doesn’t say much. That is because she had taken a vow of silence long before any of the others even got there. Sister Augustine (played by Camille Chamoux) is the one who always goes ‘by the book’ — as long as it’s the Good Book. Sister Beatrice (played by Guilaine Londez) is a nun who left a rowdy past behind, but still has some spirit in her. And then there is the youngest one, a trainee and Novice Gwendoline (played by Louise Malek).


Gwendoline is a different generation than the others, and follows the rules (on occasion). But she always gets along with Mother Veronique and the rest of the order of nuns. When they all visit a home for the elderly, they see that it is in a state of disrepair. The facilities are enough for the seniors crammed in there. So, they go into the village to apply for a grant and get some money.


With no chance for grant money, they come up with the next thing. They get entered into a local bicycle race and this one has a grand prize of 25 thousand Francs. Hey, all they need to do is ride the old decrepit bikes they have in the abbey. The Brother in charge of the abbey, Father Abbot (played by Jean-Michel Lahmi) is all for this.


Gwendoline is the only one who has any skill at biking. But they find out that a professional team is also going to participate. The leader of the pro group is a guy named Mr. Pierre (played by François Morel). He says the group will of course win with no problem. But that is before the terrible driver Sister Augustine almost runs them all over. The Sisters all talk to the pros, and ask them nicely to leave the event.


Mr. Pierre goes along with the new plan. There are other races that the team will win. Plus, they believe that the Sisters have a worthy motive. So, now they are back in the (bike) riders seat. Until the next terrible event happens. Mother Veronique has a fellow nun that she grew up with. And she comes around with her group of Sisters are here to complete.


Mother Josephine (played by Sidse Babett Knudsen) comes to compete and to stay at the abbey. This does not sit well with the “Poor Clare” sisters, but the Father Abbot says they are welcome to stay. Mother Josephine rules with an iron fist, and she is dead set on winning the competition. Plus her group would use the money to support their cause. They would help the ex-convicts that they support.


This becomes a huge stir in the abbey. In the end, Sister Beatrice and Sister Augustine decide to pull a nasty trick on the opposing Sisters. They put a little special ingredient in the supper that would make someone really ill. But they forget to not eat diner themselves. At that point, the only two standing to be in the race are Mother Veronique against her arch-rival Mother Josephine.


These two are ready to go mano-a-mano in the competition. Or perhaps in this case — it is ‘nuno-a-nuno’. May the best Sister win. It is tense race, because the total amount that could be won is really needed by both of these groups. The poor Father Abbot wants to support both, but only one can win.


So, will this race become a total, all-out war between the two groups? Will the Sisters of Poor Clare stay known as a bunch of losers? Or will they have a ‘change in habit’?


“Oh, My Goodness!” is a cute, if lightweight, comedy of the goofy antics of some nuns. This is a movie made in France, and it has English sub-titles. The French title is “Juste ciel!”, and at this point — it is scheduled to be shown only in Europe. It will start to be shown in UK Cinemas beginning 14th March. But then at some future point, perhaps it will be screening in the USA.


Would it be worth your time to view this movie? Perhaps yes — if it gets some future release or streaming access in the States. It is not something that would need to force you to go to England to go to watch it. Maybe you have already planned a trip London. Then, by all means — try and find a movie theater that is showing this movie.


“Oh, My Goodness!”  is a movie with a silly premise — Nuns on bicycles in a competitive race. But these “Holy Rollers” will give you a few giggles, if you have a way to see it…

Oh, My Goodness!

Directed by: Laurent Tirard
Starring: Valerie Bonneton, Camille Chamoux, Claire Nadeau, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Guilaine Londez
Written by: Cecile Larripa, Philippe Pinel
Music by: Mathieu Lamboley
Production company: Custom Films
Country of production: France
Length: 86 minutes
MPPA rating: not rated
Genre: French Comedy



tmc.io contributor: JMcNaughton tmc

I think movies need to be shared and enjoyed by as many people as possible! Going to a movie theater is a group experience, even if you go in there alone. When the lights go dark and movie begins, you can participate in a special kind of magic. You can be entertained, or enlightened. But you are never bored. Or at least, let's hope not. Try reading the reviews first.. maybe that will help!

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