Northern Shade Movie Review

This dark drama is filled with great performances from its writer/director, Christopher Rucinski, to the rest of the crew lending a hand. I’m honored I was asked to review it for you because what it has to say is important, and who made it kept both his story and your entertainment in mind. ​

I must pass on to you that the film has a powerful message and if you agree with that or don’t, it’s a damn good film which I enjoyed immensely. It’s an intense character study.


It starts with a truck on fire. The camera pulls slowly away. Why is this on fire? Who is hiding what? Next, we’re on a boat named “The Gasshole” with Justin Maclaughlin (Jesse Gavin). Beer cans roll around as the water splashes around his preferred home. His drunken mind goes back to a time he wishes he could forget: the Afghanistan War when he was in the Army. While talking to his friend Noel (Alejandro Bravo) he sees him buy a pack of cigarettes from a little boy. Justin believes it’s an unsafe thing to do since they’re often laced with poison, but his friend wants to try and make a connection with them and build trust. Noel takes out a new picture of his wife and child to show Justin; a gunshot is heard, blood splatters everywhere and Noel hits the ground. Just like that, his trusting best friend is gone. Justin will never trust anyone or anything again.


Present day. A female private investigator named Frankie (Titania Galliher) comes to inquire about Justin’s brother, Charlie. It was his truck found torched that night, along with questionable things inside, including drugs. He now needs to be found. She’s considerate but on the job, letting Justin know she’s on a mission to find Charlie. She may call on him again for help. When she leaves, Justin calls Charlie. No answer.


Six months later, Charlie is still nowhere to be found. Their mother suggests that if Justin hadn’t been such an insensitive and hateful big brother, maybe Charlie would come around. He remembers his little brother telling him Justin left them alone to fend for themselves. This memory and his mother’s unjustified words are all Justin needs to get him moving on trying to find him. In a searingly passionate scene filled with emotion, he searches with pained eyes. He runs into a woman who’s seeking her son. She asks if he has seen him. Justin has no compassion to give.


A figure in the dark of his room starts speaking to him. He listens, but is this his imagination? Has he lost his mind, or is this an angel sent to help him? Regardless, he still feels deserted. As he makes his way around places Charlie could be, he finds himself on a stretch of road guarded by the militia. He’s told to turn around and never return.


The man in the shadows of the night tells him to go see his wife, Michelle, played by Rose Marie Guess. Knowing who the man in the dark is now, he speaks with her. She may have some help to offer. She does.

Shortly after that, Justin is introduced to Billy (Romano Orzari), the leader of the militia group he has already had the pleasure of running into.

Billy tells him about what the government has done to people and how this country is headed toward Martial Law. Billy doesn’t want that happening on his watch and certainly doesn’t appreciate Justin snooping around in his business. He tells Justin where his brother’s body is buried.


Justin digs and digs. This scene is excruciating to watch. The acting is mind-blowing as Justin burrows into the dirt, trying to find what he can of his brother. While doing this, he’s screaming out Charlie’s name. This is the actual point of significance for the film. A beautiful message of love and struggle. Of love and loss. The moment is created so well that you can relate to what Justin is going through, whether you’ve experienced it or not. Now that the Army Veteran knows that it’s militia, the very thing he has fought against, the hate he can’t get out of his head, he plans his vengeance.

I can’t say anything more; it’ll spoil the ending… which you’d not be so happy about. However, I promise you’ll be pleased with each scene following the previous one.


“Northern Shade” is a first-class drama. The directing and acting will keep you waiting with bated breath for whether or not Charlie will be found. It has incredible sound design and perfect locations to put you in Justin’s place of feeling guilty, angry, isolated and alone. Sadly, this is how many of our veterans feel. The camerawork is top-notch. You won’t feel and you won’t see that this is an independent film. Take it from me; that’s what makes this movie a must-see.




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Northern Shade


Directed by: Christopher Rucinski
Written by: Christopher Rucinski


Starring: Jesse Gavin, Titania Galliher, Joseph Poliquin, Alejandro Bravo, Rose Marie Guess, Romano Orzari

Run Time: 1h 35m
Genres: Crime, Drama


Distributed by: BayViewEntertainment


Rating contributor: ShariK.Green tmc

I'm the Sr. Film Writer and Community Manager for I write, direct and produce short films with my production company, Good Stew Productions. Though it's difficult to answer this question when asked, I'd say my favorite movie is “The Big Chill.” I enjoy photography, poetry, and hiking and I adore animals, especially elephants. I live in Arizona and feel it's an outstanding and inspirational place to live.

Critics Group: Phoenix Critics Society

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